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Team woke up to find himself lying in a big queen sized bed. The whole room was lit with white and yellow lights that shone from dark blue false ceilings.

 The whole room was lit with white and yellow lights that shone from dark blue false ceilings

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Where was this? He wondered. Then suddenly the events of the morning rushed back to his mind refilling him with anger and angst.

"oh, you're awake sweetie. I'm Fluke, Ohm's mate. How're you feeli-?"a short, thin, sweet looking boy said , standing up from the sofa , where he had been sitting all this while, waiting for team to wake up from the sedation.

"I don't fucking care who you are! I just want to get out of this whatever place this is!!"Prem screamed as he got down the bed and rushed towards the door, pushing Fluke aside, who fell back against the door and hurt his back.

Prem quickly ran out of the room and out into the corridor.

Wherever he looked, there were a series of room throughout the hallway, all wooden, all looking same. It looked like some lobby of an expensive hotel which was surrounded by an overall round balcony, in an arcade manner, that looked down onto the free space on the groundfloor.
When he looked up, he realized there were more floors above him, all arrangd in an arcade style. The corridors were deserted, except some suited butlers or assistants who were carrying stuff from one place to another, files, plates etc.
looked like everyone had their own assigned and organized jobs.

He was so clueless where he was plus his hands and legs felt so wobbly that he could barely stand up. He found a flight of stairs and ran downstairs, when he suddenly bumped into a tall, handsome, dark haired guy "woah-oh wait aren't you the one who was sold to the pack this morning!?"

"What!? Yes- No-I don't know. Please let me go. I'll pay back all the money by father borrowed"Prem begged almost breaking into tears on his knees

"It's a lot of money nong, why don't you make yourself comfortable here ? We won't treat you like some slave even if you've been sold to our family. Btw, wasn't Fluke supposed to be looking after you? What are you doing running about?"the tall guy with sharo features asked

"That short thin guy? I don't know I pushed him and ran out . Now can you please help me phi to get out of here-?"

"Whaat you pushed him?! He's my mate you asshole!!!"

the tall guy picked Prem up by his collar amd was about to punch him face first in the wall, with Prem shutting his eyes in fear, ready for the punch,

When suddenly another sweet voice, the voice of the short guy from before spoke up from the balcony of the floor above them, Prem was fortunately saved from the punch as the other guy interfered

"Sweetie I'm fine! Leave him babe!"

"I'm sorry i didn't know thaaaat! "?Prem tried to push aside the tall guy and run again but he was too strong unlike Fluke and grabbed Prem's hand and dragged him upstairs behind him.

"Khrabb let me go please!" Prem kept screaming all the way as Ohm dragged him to a modest looking office and asked him to sit down in one of the chairs.

"Listen nong. We do not harm innocent people unlike the reputation we have out there but don't try to get on our bad side. I'll call Fluke. Be nice to him or I'm gonna rip off your-"

"Sweetheart I'm here. You're scaring him away. He's just a boy. So Prem, you already pushed me once before. I would ask you to be mature enough to not pull any more of those stunts again since I'm 3 weeks pregnant and Ohm would definitely kill you if anything happens to the baby"
the short guy flashed a big smile as he entered the office.

Ohm walked up to him and kissed his forehead as he wrapped his arms around his waist from behind.

the the taller guy started speaking again.

"Fine. No 1. You're in the main pack house. Fluke will show you around and give you a house tour. You'll meet the other family members and most importantly, the one who...bou- I mean got you here. And please try not to get on Boun's nerves. And btw, I forgot to say, I'm Ohm, the oldest son on the family and this is my mate, Fluke. Please make yourself comfortable here. We mean no harm."

Prem nodded with a frustrated look on his face , then turned to Fluke and said
"I'm sorry. I'll make sure your baby is fine"he said with a very serious face and patted his non existent tummy.

Both Ohm and Fluke started laughing at his innocence. After all, he was just a boy. Probably Fluke would get a good practice on how to handle teens from him.

//hello ik you guys are dying for Boun. He's coming, he'll be here soon, so hold your breath because things are about to get intense real quick.

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||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now