Closer to Heaven

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(Last time on Stand User's in Vale:「Diver Down」repairs Johnny's ability to walk, Y/n almost kills Cardin using「Scary Monsters」,The first appearance of The Dark Witch's stand: Total Supremacy and the manifestation of one explosive cat!)

Y/n:"Johnny, are you sure you don't want me to bring your wheelchair? Just in case?"

Johnny:"No Y/n, I can use my legs again and I fully intend on never touching that damned wheelchair again."

Y/n:"If you say so. Where could DIO and Pucci have gone off to?"

Johnny:"I'm not too sure myself, I overheard them saying something about a dust store."

Y/n:"There are several in Vale, but then again. DIO can only go out at night. Meaning he'll need a 24 hour dust store."

Johnny:"You got all that off me sayin' they might be going to a dust store?"

Y/n:"Yes, now let's go find the vampire alternate universe me and possibly a DJ priest."

(One time skip and one long trip around the streets of Vale)

Y/n:'I'd recognise that blond hair and menacing statute anywhere, DIO. This is the 6th store we've gone to and here you are with Pucci.'

Y/n:"Johnny, I see em."

Johnny:"Good, My legs were starting to miss that wheelchair because of all the running around we had to do."

Y/n:"DIO, Pucci! There you are!" I spotted them across the street, I grabbed Johnny by the wrist and looked both ways before we crossed, Always look both ways before crossing you buffoons.

DIO:"About time you showed up. And what's this?" He looked at Johnny.

DIO:"The cripple walks once more? Interesting. Care to explain your sudden ability to walk?" He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, Pucci down the block, fascinated by something in a shop window. Johnny looked at me.

Johnny:"Well. It's all thanks to Y/n." DIO turned his attention to me.

DIO:"Oh really? I didn't believe your stand had such medical capabilities."

Y/n:"Thing is DIO. I have more than two stands now."

DIO:"Come again? Did I, DIO, hear you correctly?"

Y/n:"You heard me right, I have more than two stands." He looked at me, perplexed by my sudden outing of this information.

DIO:"Impossible, A person can only have a single stand. And perhaps a sub-stand but that's it. I know you're a special case with Scary Monsters not being of your own manifestation."

Y/n:"Ask and you shall receive." I manifested the tail ofScary Monstersbehind me,Death's Stinger: Strange WorldandDiver Downin front of me, but the other stand didn't come out for some odd reason. DIO was speechless.

DIO:"For once I, DIO am truly impressed. But you are me after all." He smirked.

DIO:"Come, let's go to Pucci and have him check your stand disks."

Y/n:"Sure why not. Come on Johnny."

Johnny:"I'm coming." We traveled down the block and into the store Pucci went into, I saw a weird man I think in his 30's with a weird ass hat thing, how does that even work? He was holding a dolphin plush while his daughter with black and green hair, two buns with green strands wrapped at the bottom, looked as energetic as Oobleck. I feel like I know him, he turned to his daughter but I noticed him look over at me and DIO.

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