Your feelings are temporary, DIO is forever.

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(Bacon academy - 12:00am on a Monday)

A lone stand user slowly floated from the safety of an acid cloud, entering from an open window.

The acid cloud slowly disintegrated in a small puff of acid instead before a male appeared in its place. A reptile tail swishing gently behind him.

Ozpin:"You're done already?" He sighed and shook his head. Goodwitch saw me and just about flipped her shit, per usual.

Y/n:"Maybe, if you'd quit giving me novice missions and up the difficulty then maybe only then I wouldn't be back so fast."

Goodwitch:"That's no excuse. We told you to wait outside until we were finished." She grabbed his arm and began to lead him behind the curtains and off stage until a force stopped her from moving, a small look of worry striking her, she looked down to see a black hand harboring a neon green interior grasping her ankle, she reluctantly let go of the user's arm.

Y/n:"Need I remind you of who you are speaking to?" He turned his head towards the witch secretary, A helmet displaying three letters D.I.O mounted on bending pins emerging from a ribbon in the middle. His golden blonde hair swaying in the draft from the open window of his entry. His stand:Death's Stinger: Strange Worldlingered behind Y/n threatened to unleash half a dozen of its acid-filled mini scorpions. Having let go of Goodwitch's leg and now hovering behind Y/n.

Every student in the crowd all looked in awe as Y/n's stand had several of it's miniature scorpions peeking over it's shoulders.

Ozpin:"No need for it Y/n, put him away. And Glynda, stop instigating him." She opened her mouth to speak but Ozpin just put the back of his hand in her face to stop her.

Ozpin:"My apologies for that interruption, My name is Ozpin and I am the headmaster of Beacon Academy, a respectable and prestigious combat academy. And considering he's here now, I introduce you to my star combat student Y/n. Our genius horse jockey from Mistrial. He's the best academically and in combat capabilities."

Y/n:"Damn right I am." He leaned against a nearby wall, arms crossed.

Ozpin stopped for a second to chuckle

Y/n: "Alright, now let's get to the good part and skip the speech." Once again Goodwitch was giving me a death stare offstage like she wanted to strangle me.

Y/n:"I will not hesitate to break your or anyone else's limbs here should you touch me once more."

(Timeskip 12 hours: 10:36 am - Ballroom)

Considering my team is still asleep with one exception. I quietly snuck into the atrium from my dorm and set up my alarm and speakers in a floorboard but lifted the top enough so that'd it'd be as loud as it can be then snuck back out and let havoc fly as I put them to full volume and played il vento d'oro. And when I tell you everyone woke up I mean EVERYONE WOKE UP. It was the funniest shit I've ever seen in this school. As they all searched confusedly for where the music was coming from, I quickly snuck away and went to the cafeteria for breakfast. This is by far the funniest shit I've seen in awhile. And I've seen a man become a rock.

Goodwitch:"Y/n!" Ah shit, here we go again.

Y/n: "What? You're interrupting my morning quest for daily nutrition."

Goodwitch: "I know it was you that put the speaker in the floorboard." Tch, And?

Y/n:"You're damn right I did. Got a problem with it?"

Goodwitch: "I don't understand how Ozpin puts up with you, even as your mother it pains me to be around you."

Y/n: "It pains me to listen to your constant complaining! Shut up woman, I'm sick of your voice!" The sudden change in the tone of my voice notified her she was getting me in a bad mood.

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