Stone Freed

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(Beacon, Y/n's Pov)

With DIO and Pucci gone on a trip to Mistrial for the so-called 'Final step' of his Heaven's Plan. Johnny and I are the only two stand users capable of taking on these stand hunts.

Ozpin:"This has been a long time coming. So, with the help of Atlas, we've been able to track our slippery unwanted guest to a long abandoned village in the middle of nowhe-I mean Emerald Vale Forest. He's extremely skilled with tech and likely even a stand user, the only problem is he's been using his skills against us, and Atlas. Letting high security files slip into dangerous hands like his will only come back to bite us violently in the sternum." Sternum? Alright I guess...

Johnny:"So who exactly is this mysterious hacker? Do we have a name or any information? Even on the possible stand?"

Ozpin:"I'm afraid we're mostly in the dark in terms of stand capability other than mass amounts of explosives. From what footage we could gather, it seems to produce explosives, and an endless amount at that."

Y/n:"So are we taking them in or is this an elimination at will kinda deal?" I rubbed my neck, finally got that collar off for a while. Least for a few days while I'm on these missions. Guess Ozpin is useful for something.

Ozpin:"Take him in. But should it come to it...eliminate him." He seems unsure about the elimination part. I'll decide whether they'll be of any use to me. Or DIO.

(3 Hour Later - Emerald Vale Village)

(8k miles from Beacon)

Y/n:"So, before we left Oz gave me this paper, it's got a little extra information on the possible user we're looking for, A male, teenager around 18 or 19. Red hair, green eyes, rather pale skin with freckles, should be about 5'3 or 5'4. He of course has a stand like us so Oz gave us permission to use force if needed." The force part is likely, just about every stand user we'll be hunting won't go easily.

Johnny:"So, any extra information on his stand? Or are we shooting in the dark here?"

Y/n:"Shooting in the dark. It just says mind those explosives."

Johnny:"Well that's fun, let's check out the abandoned buildings then under the bridges. He must be trying to hide from someone if he's all the way out here."

Y/n:"Let's hope we can find him quickly, something about this place is giving me bad vibes. We'll meet back here in 2 hours."

(?????'s Pov)

'Looks like I got guests.' I peered down from my window and rubbed my eyes, dark circles under them from a complete and utter lack of sleep, this village has been abandoned for years, nobody should be here, and they're too well dressed to be scavenging for scraps, definitely from Beacon, must've traced my pc here. I sat in wait, hoping one of them would get killed by something I set up.

I looked across my room, which was an attic I had cleaned thoroughly enough to live up here without needing the rest of the house besides the bathroom. My stash of food which was just mountains of canned soup, my handgun and sniper rifle, and my pc. Just in case, I turned my pc off, digitized both it, my rifle and a special box with two surprise tools that might help me later into my wrist and looked towards a particular crate. Though I feel as if I forgot something.

(2 hours later, Y/n's Pov)

Y/n:"This was an absolute waste of time. There's no one here." I kicked a can.

Johnny:"Have you checked that building yet?" He pointed to the large 3 story building, across the village.

Y/n:"I thought you checked it?"

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