Two Stones in an Ocean

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(Lush evergreen Town - Mall, Y/n's POV)

"It's been awhile Jolyne." Piano planted his foot into the ground, tightening his fists in his fingerless gloves. The same syringe from before emerged from his sleeve and injected the black and white sludge into him once again. His stand sparked and hissed with hamon and unstable energy. If I don't know any better I'd say he'd be trying to kill her. Then again I'm surprised he's still alive. What kind of universe did they live in?

"The blight? again?" Jolyne questioned before sighing. So this universe isn't the first time he's had his hands on it.

Stone Free readied itself for battle, while Matador did the same. Matador took the initiative and made the first move, throwing a bundle of hamonic grenades. I raised my eyebrow, what is a 'hamon' grenade going to do against a stand. Answer may surprise you: A lot. The grenade released a sonic shockwave, frying Death's Stinger, Tusk and Stone Free all in a single blast. My tail sprouted out, of course Scary Monsters would still work. He must've overloaded our stands in order to disable them while keeping non stand users unharmed. I'd call him smart but this just got a bit more complicated.

"That's new..." Jolyne jumped back, putting distance between her and Piano.

"Nishishi~!" Piano laughed as his hair flickered, as if glitching in between reality and something beyond. His body twitched strangely as if attempting to teleport somewhere but forced to stay still, attracting an audience of onlookers from the mall. He was facing away from me, unable to see his eyes.

Jolyne:"Make your move. I'm more than ready." She got into a defensive stance, prepared for whatever Piano would throw at her.

"With pleasure~" He giggled before skipping time, no red line. No way to track him without it. Piano somehow managed to move so fast even stopped time couldn't keep up with him. He reappeared behind Jolyne, Matador swiping her feet from under her, stunning her by the sheer speed, the stand slammed its boot into her chest. Slamming her into the ground and causing cracks and tiles to break. Johnny whistled in my direction, grabbing my attention as I turned to him.

Johnny:"So did Oz ask for her alive or what?" I shrugged, like I remember what Oz says half the time.

Several security guards emerged from the crowd, some moving the bystanders away from the oblivious stand battle happening in front of them. Others approached Piano and Jolyne.

Y/n:"I wouldn't do that..." I whispered under my breath, though if this turns out even half as amusing as I'm thinking then maybe this trip won't be so bad after all.

The guard grabbed Piano by the shoulder, a secondary aura emerged through his sleeve and past his hood. Seemingly siphoning the guards life energy in seconds.

Y/n:"What the hell!" The guard crumbled into an empty husk, unmoving. Unbreathing. Unliving, that's for sure. This scared the other three guards that had come along with their colleague, as even touching Piano would cause them to become a hung out and dried rag in seconds. I don't feel any energy from that guard either, like his soul has just been extracted from his body.

"Six..." He softly said while tapping on his wrist device. From what I could see, It opened and a large lump began traveling up his sleeve, emerging from his sleeve and climbing from his hood onto his shoulder. The patch on his shoulder now displayed a raincoat hood with a 6 behind it rather than the Scorpion insignia.

The girl in a yellow raincoat swinging her legs as her bangs hid her face from the world. A dark, dangerous and ominous aura emitting from her. Dark tendrils sliding across the tiles of the mall in all directions threateningly.

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