Crimson King's Burning Red River

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(Beacon - Team Dorms, Y/n's POV)

Y/n:"What'd you see in there Johnny? Anything worth another trip?" I asked with a smile, he just looked at me with a horrified expression.

Johnny:"In the 5 minutes I was in there I almost died 7 times! Hell no!" He quietly yelled as Pucci was asleep, my smile drowned in confusion instantly.

Y/n:"What do you mean you almost died 7 times in the span of 5 minutes? What did you see?" I was invested in this now.

Johnny:"There was this Lady with a white porcelain mask lifted on her head, she was humming and I thought it sounded good so I complimented her on it. Biggest, mistake of my fucking life. She screamed and vanished, then next thing I know I'm being hunted for 3 minutes straight. The last two minutes included sight seeing of cannibalism and a freaky long armed Janitor!"

Y/n:"So, some kind of nightmare world?" I questioned. "Could you use Tusk?" I asked. Johnny shook his head no. "And it suppresses stands. That sounds incredible danger for someone like Piano to just have in the flick of the wrist."

Johnny:"Your telling that to the one who's seen it with his own eyes." He sat on his bed, still a little shook by the realization everything inside that world is an absolute hellscape.

Y/n:"You think anyone else has access to pocket dimensions like him?" I asked Johnny, he shook his head again.

Johnny:"I don't know why the hell he would keep something like that around but I'm sure as hell skeptical of him now. We've already seen he can pull things from that world into ours."

Y/n:"You think he'll try to bring that world here?"

Johnny:"He seems keen on preserving their world for now. So not likely anytime soon."

Y/n:"So we ignore it for now?"


Y/n:"Sounds great, anyway I'm off to bed. Goodnight!" I stopped time and climbed into my bed before resuming time.

Johnny:"I hate it when you do that." Johnny mumbled under his breath before laying down in his own bed and pulling the covers over him.

We should probably be a little more concerned about that 'pocket dimension' but at this point, I'm too tired to care all that much.

By the way...Where's DIO?

(Timeskip: 9 Hours - Y/n's POV, Saturday Morning)

You'd think 9 hours of sleep would be enough for a dinosaur such as myself. You'd be over correct. I could barely sleep more than 7 before my tail would wack me to get up every 5 minutes.

I got out of bed and stretched out, letting out a quiet yawn as I cracked my neck. Everyone else was still asleep, thankfully. I really didn't want to try to comprehend words right after I woke up. I slipped into the shower before grabbing new pair of clothes. Speaking of which, I need to do laundry soon. I tossed my dirty clothes into my hamper before slipping into the hallway.

I caught eyes with Team Rwby, who was preparing for a trip to Mount Glenn. Y'know, that place that was a complete disaster and is now home to a mind boggling amount of Grimm. All I got to say to that is good fucking luck. Hopefully professor Oobleck won't get another team killed, again. That place is a fucking death trap through and through.

Also did Ozpin even green light that trip?

I walked back into my dorm and called Johnny,"Oi, let's go get ice cream."

(30 Minutes Later)

We walked past an alcohol shop with a new sign up, "The ale to cure what ails ya! Zero-G brew, your new favorite flavor!" Johnny read out loud so lightly smacked him in the back of the head. "Everyone going here can read. Or at least I hope so." I joked as we kept walking. After a few more minutes of walking we ended up in front of the ice cream shop. "Weird, I see usually Neo over here." I commented as I looked around. "Whatever, come on. I want rocky road."

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