Chapter Four: Camelot - Part Three

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The next morning while everyone but Gwen and Gauis were preparing to leave Gauis pulled Merlin aside. He had heard everything of the Knight and Dragon Prince's conversation when they believed all to be asleep.

"You need to be careful, Drakoniel still needs you."

"I've got the easy bit, Gauis, the warning bell is nothing compared to the cells." Gaius raised an eyebrow.

"I overheard you last night, Sire." Merlin stepped back slightly.

"Stop calling me that Gauis," Merlin looked around. "What if one of them heard?"

"It seems Lancelot may be finding out anyway. If Morgause catches you, She will kill you. You can't reclaim Drakoniel if you are dead, think of your mother, Eren, Erelise. What would your father say?"

Merlin looked strained, "I have no choice."

"I'll remember the bumbling idiot you can be, the one who came into my chambers those years ago. Who would believe? You truly are the Dragon Prince, Merlin."  Gaius sighed and hugged the boy infront of him. The boy he thought of as a son, the boy that was no longer a boy. The boy who had showed how worthy he had always been of his title, no matter how rash, clumsy, and idiotic he could be.

They broke apart and then Merlin, Percival, Arthur, Gwaine, Elyan, and Leon all departed for Camelot. It was time to take back Arthur's Kingdom.

Once they reached Camelot they seperated into two groups, Lancelot went with Merlin to keep the warning bell from being rung and the rest went together to the dungeons to rescue King Uther. Merlin and Lancelot however never went to the bell tower, instead they went in search of the cup of life. Almost as soon as Merlin was able to sense the cups power and direct them towards it the pair ran into an enemy soldier. Lancelot pulled his sword from his belt and began to fight. Merlin quickly jumped him and killed the soldier. The soldier exploded. Lancelot looked shocked.

"What is that?" He questioned, sword still held up as if he was fighting, seemingly frozen in shock.

"Sword forged in a dragon's breath." Merlin said and walked past the stunned knight, sword even now still raised. Lancelot Stared after Merlin as he continued down the corridor and let out a small chuckled. Yet the knight was still confused, Merlin had a seemingly perfected reaction time and parried the enemy's sword with great skill that he had never seen before from the servant. He quickly shook his head and followed Merlin.

When the pair got to the room where the cup was being held, the council chambers, they paused. The room was guarded by four enemy soldier and any commotion woul surely cause more to come running.

"What do we do now?" Lancelot breathed. Merlin shook his head and leaned back against the wall. They had no choice, there is only one thing they could do.

"We fight." Merlin ran out to meet the soldiers. He had killed one already when Lancelot joined him. Lancelot held of the next soldier as Merlin killed the one he was fighting. Lance pushed the soldier towards Merlin before rushing forward and opening the council chamber doors. Merlin quickly ran in after him and they closed and locked the doors on the last enemy soldier just as more started to come to his aid. They leaned against the door as they caught their breath. They turned to look in the room for the first time and their proud smiles dropped as they saw six more enemy soldier gaurding the cup. They nodded at eachother before pushing off the door and launching themselves at the soldiers. Merlin took on two soldiers at a time, overcoming them with practised ease. Lancelot turned to push the soldier he was fighting toward Merlin that the soldier could be killed and was surprised to see two soldiers down and Merlin preparing to fight the next. Merlin stabbed the soldier Lance had pushed at him then quickly turned to parry the blow aimed at his head by the soldier behind him.

The Dragon Prince (Merlin AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora