Chapter One: The Fall of Drakoniel

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Merlin was awoken by the sudden feeling of being submerged in water, he sprung up, gasping. In his dissoriented state he barely noticed the sound of giggles echoing off the stone of his chamber walls. He shook himself  and glared down at the figures laying by his feet. His 10-year-old siblings were sprawled out infront of him, clunching their sides as they laughed.

"Y-you should've seen y-your face!" Eren shrieked between laughs.

"Y-you looked so funny, Merls!" Erelise added. Merlin growled. The twins' laughs quieted at the sound.

"Hatchlings. Up." Merlin pointed infront of himself and the twins quickly stood at attention, like well trained soldiers. Merlin's stern face suddenly spread into a smile as he lunged forward and grabbed both of his siblings in a headlock. "You little rascals, I would noogie you if I had the hands."

"Merls, you're getting us wet!" They complained in unison.

"That's what you get, Hatchlings!" Merlin's smug laugh was cut off as both twins suddenly hooked their legs around Merlin's own and tripped him. Laughing the twins climbed on top of Merlin, Eren sitting on his chest and Erelise on his legs.

King Balinor walked in hearing laughter as Merlin had flipped himself over so he was now pinning Eren down, tickling him, and Erelise was hanging across his back. The king smiled at the sight.

"Eren, Erelise, leave your brother alone." The three siblings stopped at the sound of their father's voice.

Eren said, "Aw, come on dad, it was just a bit of fun."

At the same time Erelise hopped off Merlin and towards her father, "Yes, Daddy."

Merlin climbed off Eren and stood, hands clasped behind his back, and posture straight. A large goofy smile was lighting up his face, however. Balinor reached forward and ruffled his hair, then he reached down and lifted Eren over one shoulder and lifted Erelise onto his hip.

"Get dressed, Merlin." With that said Balinor left and Merlin got ready for the day.

A servant, and friend of Merlin's, by the name of Adam walked in just as Merlin was tying his sword belt his hip. Merlin looked up at the sound of the door opening and smiled.

"Good morning, Adam."

"Good morning, Sire, your father is awaiting your presence in the council chambers."

"Adam, what have I said about titles?" Merlin raised an eyebrow as he patted the hilt of the sword he had just placed in his belt.

"Sorry, S- uh I mean Merlin. I was definetly going to say Merlin." Merlin's glare morphed to into. "Now get going, I think your father has an early birthday gift for you."

Soon enough Merlin was in standing infront of his father in the council chambers.

"You requested my presence, father?"

"Oh, Merlin! Yes,I did. I know the festivities for your birthday are planned for tomorrow, but I have a gift for you." King Balinor turned to a chest that was sitting on the coucil table behind him that he was previously blocking from Merlin's view. Merlin tried to peak over his father's shoulder, standing on his tippy-toes as Balinor opened the lid and flipped a cloth off as well. The cloth itself was the deep blue of Drakoniel and the Ambrosius crest, a dragon wrapping itself around a sword with it's head skyward, flames coming from it's mouth, was embroidered in silver on the corner. Merlin quickly leaned back onto the flats of his feet and took on the face of someone waiting patiently and innocently as Balinor turned around.

Laying across Balinor's hands was a beautiful sword. The hilt of the sword looked simliar to that of the Ambrosius crest, it seemed a miniature dragon was wrapped around it, the eye of the dragon was gleaming blue gem. The dragon was a beautiful silver that matched the blade while the hilt was gold. Along the blade were golden letters spelling out "Ambrosius" in curling letters. Balinor gazed down at the blade in his hands.

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