Chapter 20: The Aftermath

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 Merlin spit a final growl down towards the crumpled heap of bones and flesh that was once a sad excuse of a man. Arthur lowered his sword slowly. Merlin stumbled for a second, going pink in the face as he stared at the headless body too long. Arthur swiftly gripped his bicep to support him.

"Alright?" Merlin's glare had faded and now he stared blankly in the general vicinity of where Galvarr's head was once attached, it now lay a short distance away. Arthur shivered when he followed his gaze. He had seen enough death in his day, and many executions by decapitation during Uther's reign, but it was still a very unpleasant sight. He shook him slightly, their gazes met. "Merlin, I said, are you alright?"

"Wha-- yes, I mean, maybe. It's odd seeing him there like that, and knowing that I was the one who put him there." Merlin sighed and Arthur released his arm and moved a hand to his shoulder instead.

"I'm sorry, but look, this means the battle is won. We must inform the men."

"Alright. Let's go." They started to walk towards the doors when Merlin stopped short, and brought a hand to his mouth.

"Merlin?... Merlin what is it?" Arthur said, his voice sounding concerned, anymore concerned and he might of sounded frantic. Merlin raised his gaze and Arthur saw a shine in his eyes. He could not decipher the emotion behind the gloss. Sadness, relief, joy, it was a mix of emotions and nearly-tears that Arthur wasn't quite used to.

"Mione..." he muttered behind his hand before sprinting into action again. He ran from the council chambers, Arthur calling after him, passing the awaiting Knights as if they were invisible, down one staircase, down two, down three, into the dungeon. It was dark, only one of the torches in the very far back of the cell-lined passageway was lit. He was breathing quickly, nearly panting. He stood there for  moment, catching his breath. When he was breathing normally again he spoke strongly, "Bæl on bryne" and with that every torch was lit.

He noticed someone in the cell to his right scramble back at the sight of the light. He crouched beside the cell. "Hello?" He said softly, kindly. "Can you come into the light? It's okay, I won't hurt you. It's Prince Merlin. You are free now, Galvarr is dead." He kept his voice soft, as not to startle the person.

"Is that really you, Little One?" He heard a frail, older voice. He could faintly recognize the sound.

"Please, come into the light." A rustle was heard as a figure came into view. Salt-and-pepper hair, lightly wrinkled features, and shining blue eyes with a kindness you would think unreachable in their ocean-like depths. "Meredith! What-- but-- Galvarr put you in here? You are his wife! Er--Ehm..."

"Even before his recent death that you speak of he was dead to me. I tried to work to overthrow him, and return the kingdom to your family as it is meant to be. He discovered my plights... and threw me in here."

"I am so sorry, Dithy."

"It is quite alright, Little One. I may be kind, but I am stronger than I appear."

"I know you are, Dithy," Merlin smiled. "I'll get you out of here."

Merlin tried a few spells to burst the cell open, and Meredith watched on with a slight air of entertainment.

"Little One..." she finally muttered as he grew impatient. "The enchantments...? You may want to try the key."

"Oh... um... right... keys... where are the keys?"

"Well, the Guard Chambers, of course! Have you really been gone so long to have forgotten, Little One?"

Merlin sighed. "I am sorry, Dithy. Much has happened, I am not quite thinking straight. I will go get the keys and get you out, but by chance, have you seen where they have taken Mione?"

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