Chapter 13: Providing Hope comes with Responsibilities.

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"Saviors." Arthur muttered.

"Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" Gwaine said as he dropped back to walk next to his trailing king. Arthur humphed.

"That isn't exactly what I was I was thinking."

"You don't like it."

"Not that either."

Gwaine sighed, "Then, what, princess?".

"It doesn't feel like a title, it feels like a commitment, a vow, a promise. They have so much hope in us already that they call us their saviors. We can't fail these people Gwaine, we have to get their kingdom back. We've started and now there is no turning back because we have already become their saviors just by giving them hope. We have to give them more than hope, we have to give them their homes."

"Well, we are trying aren't we? We have brought back their prince, and we are here. That stands for something doesn't it? Because I think it's pretty obvious that we will gain back their kingdom, whether we have to or not."

With that said Gwaine walked ahead of Arthur again and rejoined the group. Arthur stopped in his tracks and watched Gwaine's back as he walked up to Elyan and threw an arm over his shoulder. Arthur couldn't believe it. Had Gwaine just said something wise, and without a quip? Maybe he didn't pay as much attention to the character of those around him as he thought he did. Sure, he always believed Gwaine was strong, selfless (for the most part), and courageous, but he had never thought him to be wise.


Arthur sighed and ran a hand down his face. The last few days had been very eventful, and they did not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Arthur looked forward at the group ahead and jogged to catch up with them just as they rounded a corner. As soon As Arthur was around the corner he nearly ran into Percival. In his haste to stop the collision, Arthur nearly toppled forward, but Percival caught the King's shoulder. "Easy there, Sire."

Arthur nodded in response and faced forwards again as everyone else was. He nearly let his jaw drop at the sight. Before them was an extremely large set of doors, nearly reaching the ceiling of the large tunnel. They were made of a wood darker than any of those of Camelot had ever seen. That was not what caught their eye, however. That, was the large engravings on the doors. A Dragon was depicted on each door, standing with their front claws placed at the crease of the doors between them. Their necks were arched upward, with flames making their escape. Engraved around the top of the two doors was the saying that those of Drakoniel were taught. (Those of Drakoniel knew this sight as such, but those of Camelot simply made a guess.)

Those of Camelot were so focused on taking in the huge entrance that they failed to notice the guards standing there, two on each side, until they spoke up.

"Beth ydyweich bod ynceisio?" What is it that you seek?

The guards questioned as customary, and Sir Henry went forward to speak.

"Rydym yn gofyn amy cyngory Frenhines Hunith. Yr ydym wedidod â rhai...syrpreis iddi." We seek the council of Queen Hunith. We have brought her some... surprises.

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