Chapter 3: Worst Day

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Fran's P.O.V

She walks through the door ,pulling a large suitcase and I just can't keep my eyes off her.Her hair is blonde now, she isn't wearing a lot of makeup but she doesn't really look different to usual.

Vilu-Dad? Aren't you going to say anything?

German-I have wished for this moment for months and I actually have no idea what to say to you. I don't know whether to hug you tightly or shout at you.

Vilu-I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking.

German-That's not good enough.


She looks at me pleadingly and I suddenly just feel cold. Not physically but I mean my attitude towards her.I was so worried that she was with bad guys or lying dead in a ditch somewhere.She doesn't look hurt so she just left, and left me behind too..I don't even want to look at her right now.

Violetta's P.O.V

Vilu-Fran,can we talk? Leon, why are you in my house?

Leon-Babe, we should get going.

Fran-Yeah.Thanks Angie.


It literally feels like my heart is breaking.Francesca and Leon? The walk to the door hand in hand, Fran avoids eye contact with me.

Vilu-Francesca! Please.

She doesn't say a word as she walks out the door, grasping tightly onto Leon's hand.

I start to cry as I realise what I have done.I abandoned my family and friends. I feel so awful!

Dad-So you cry over your boyfriend but what about your father?!

Vilu-Dad, I know that I hurt you but I can't do this right now.

Dad-NO! You will listen to me! You left me wondering what had happened to you and that could have been anything! I thought that you could've been dead! Do you have any idea what you did to me? Wondering if you child is dead or I don't know 'living it up'? You put me through hell!

Vilu-Why do you think I did that?

Dad-To look for your friend?!

Vilu-Cami's absence was part of the reason. It was mainly because I hated you! I hated you for everything that you have done and I could'nt even look you in the eye! You are ashamed of me and treat me like dirt so  you are the reason that I left!

He looks taken back by what I said and I realise that I have gone too far.

Angie-Violetta, apologise to your father.


Angie-NOW!Vilu-Dad, I.....

Dad-Just go to your room. I can't even look you in the eyes now..



I pick up the suitcase and drag it up the stairs, walk into my room and lock the door. I curl up on my bed and cry into my pillow.How could I be so stupid as to think that everything would work out? That everyone would understand and just forgive me? I was going to tell Leon everything that I felt for him and instead of telling me that he loves me, he is telling Francesca....My best friend! How could she betray me like that? She was meant to....I believed that....I just thought that she understood...

I hear rocks being thrown at my window and I open it to see Camila.

Vilu-What are you doing?!

Cami-Surprised to see me?

Vilu-You could get caught or get me into more trouble than I am already in!

Cami-What happened to you? You were fun over summer!

Vilu-Summer's over and so is my chance of everyone forgiving me..

Cami-You still got me!


Cami-Come down and lets go for a walk. I need to go talk to someone.

Vilu-There is no way that I am going anywhere.

Cami-Just get your ass down here!


I climb out of the window, onto the ledge and climb down on the ladder on the wall of the house. I jump to the floor and Cami hugs me.

Cami-How was it? Seeing your Dad again?

Vilu-It could have gone a lot better.He hates me, even more than before.

Cami-See? I'm just gonna climb into my bedroom window and avoid that whole "confrontation" thing.

Vilu-So to avoid my Dad never speaking to me again, can we hurry up please?

Cami-As you wish.

We get into her car and I put my seatbelt on as she looks in the mirror.


Cami-Just checking how I look.


Cami-Shut it. I wonder how she is.



Vilu-What?! We are seeing her?!

Cami-Yeah...What's wrong?

Vilu-I already saw her, she was at my house and she wasn't happy to see me....

Cami-I'll sort this thing out between you two,like I always do...

We finally reach Fran's house and my palms get sweaty as we knock on the door.Leon answers and Cami looks shocked even though I'm not....

Leon-Camila? You're well, alive?

Cami-Yes and I want to see my friend.What is she just giving it up these days?

Leon-Don't talk about my girlfriend like that!

Cami-I'll talk about her how I want. Wait, girlfriend?

She turns to me and I face the floor.

Cami-This is so not happening! Francesca! Get your betraying ass out here!

Fran walk to the door and folds her arms as she sees Cami.

Fran-Well well.Look who it is.

Cami-What is wrong with you? Stealing Leon?

Fran-I stole nobody. Leon was single and so was I.

Cami-I can't believe you.

Fran-Well believe it.

Cami-This is not over.

Cami walks off and Leon and I exchange a look for a moment.

Fran-Leon? What are you doing?


Fran-Violetta just go.


Fran-I have Leon now and you need to accept that so just go off with Cami because our friendship is done.

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