Chapter 4:Talking (1)

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Violetta's P.O.V

I hope that your ready for our first day back! I know I am-Cami

I place my phone back on the desk and I look in the mirror for the last time.I guess that I look alright.I am seriously not ready to go back to school. For the entire weekend, I have only left my room to get food and use the bathroom.Angie is avoiding me at all costs and Dad won't look me in the eye, let alone avoid me.I actually got up two hours earlier than I usually do to get really but now I realise that I have nobody to impress...

I stuff my school books in my bag,check myself in the mirror for the last time and leave my room to get breakfast. As I walk down the stairs, I spot Dad, in his armchair sipping his morning coffee while reading the business section of the newspaper as he usually does.He stands up to face me as soon as I walk down the stairs.

Dad-Morning Violetta. Sleep well?

Vilu-I have actually had a good sleep on Saturday as well but you would've known that if you bothered to ask then.

Dad-Violetta stop talking to me like that. I am not in the wrong here.

Vilu-I know that I am. I know that I made a mistake but the way that you are treating me isn't helping me learn from it.I need to go to school now.

I walk past him and walk straight to the door, to find Cami waiting outside when I open it.


Vilu-Yeah lets go.

We leave my house and get into her car.

Cami-So how was your weekend?

Vilu-It was the weekend from hell. Your's?

Cami-I went to a few parties, avoided my Mom. You know, the usual.

Vilu-So what are we going to do about Francesca?

Cami-Let me handle her. You just need to focus on getting Leon back.

Vilu-Why do you care so much about Leon and I?

Cami-Because I know that you do and I care about you so it automatically makes me care...


Cami-Yeah, shut up about it.

Vilu-So what about Broduey?

Cami-What about him?

Vilu-What are you going to say to him?


Vilu-But he is still technically your boyfriend...

Cami-Well I'm not interested in him anymore..We're here.

We step out of the car and we hear gasps.I feel kinda self-conscious suddenly but Cami links arms with me and give me a reassuring smile.We then walk into the hall and Camila's face lights up as she sees...Maxi.

She unlinks arms with me and she runs to over to hug him.It's kinda sweet to watch since she did really miss him a lot.


Cami-Yep, it's me.

Maxi-Wha-what are you doing here?

Cami-Attending school, what about you?

Maxi-Cut the jokes, where were you and why didn't you call me? I was worried sick about you!

Cami-Well I would have thought that you'd know I can take care of myself.

Maxi-Still, never pull something like that again, understand?

Cami-Fine, whatever.

I then walk up to Maxi and give him a quick hug.Cami and Maxi then walk off as Cami begins to tell him what she did over the summer as I turn to get books out of my locker.Suddenly my locker slams shut and I jump.

Vilu-Leon what the hell?

Leon-We need to talk,now.

I open my locker to take the books out and then follow him into an empty classroom.He makes sures that he door is closed and he walks up to me.

Vilu-Talk then.

Leon-What happened?

Vilu-What are you talking about?

Leon-Over summer. Where were you?


Leon-That's kind of obvious.Did you run away...because of me?


Leon-Because I didn't mean to hurt of upset, when I asked for us to be together, I was only trying to make you happy Vilu. I meant for us to get closer not for me to drive you away.

Vilu-Have you been blamin yourself?


Vilu-It had nothing to do with you.So now you can go off and be happy with Francesca because you have nothing to be worried about..

Leon-Vilu, about that....

Vilu-You are happy and I am happy so we don't need to be friends or anything like that since we don't need each other.

Leon-But, we could be friends so that there are no hard feelings...

Vilu-But there are hard feelings that can't go away. I don't think that they will ever go away and if we are friends, then there will always be a part of me that will hate you.

Leon-Why do you think that?

Vilu-I don't think that, I know that. Why do I know that? Because even though you thought and were partially right, I was hurt over the summer.It may have not been your fault necessarily, but I was still in pain and you still found a way to forget that I exist and date Francesca.

Leon-Violetta please....

He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and leans in closer to me as if he is trying to kiss me but it's not working.

Vilu-No...Don't worry about me, worry about your girlfriend and I'll worry about myself,ok?

The bell rings and suddenly,floods of people enter the room so Leon takes a seat and I take one, on the opposite side of the classroom.

Friends Till The End (Sequel To "High School")Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz