Chapter 8: 'Forgiveness'

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Violetta's P.O.V


I unlock my door and pull my suitcases down the stairs as he stares in shock.

Dad-Why are you carrying suitcases?

Vilu-I am leaving.For good.

Dad-Oh just stop all this Violetta.

Vilu-Nope.I am leaving because I am not going to stay in a house where I am a disappointment.

The doorbell rings and I rush to answer.


Dad-Angelica. What are you doing here?

Angelica-Violetta is coming to stay with me from now on,German.My daughter would be ashamed at how you treat her.

Angie walks in from the kitchen and almost drops her cup of tea after seeing Grandma, which is quite me anyway.


Angelica-Angie.What are you doing here?

Vilu-She's shacking up with my Dad.


Vilu-What? Tell her it's not then.

Angelica-Angie? Is it true?

Angie-Yeah..but it's not like that! I love German, honestly.

Angelica-Do you know who else did? Your sister! Angeles, I am so disappointed in you.I'll be waiting in the car, Vilu.

Grandma takes my bags and closes the door behind her as I face them both.

Angie-Why would you do that Violetta?

Vilu-Maybe I dunno...I hate you.

Dad-Violetta stop.

Angie-German, I never wanted to hurt my mother.

Vilu-Angie, you're a disappointment to your parents? Join the club.I'm outta here.


Cami's P.O.V


Cami-So how is life with your grandma?

Vilu-Well she can be a little boring at times, but it's good I guess.But the look on that bitch's face was priceless.

Cami-So are you actually going to Angie's class today?

Vilu-I don't know.I just hate her.

Maxi-If you want my opinion....

Cami-We don't.Go get me a drink or something.

I shove a dollar in his palm and he walks off.

Vilu-But forget about me.How's Seba?

Cami-Great! I really like him and plus he's in a band but..


Cami-He hates me and I can't leave things with him like that.

Vilu-Then apologise.

Cami-Me? Apologise? You must be fucking crazy!


Cami-Sorry....Oh the slut is giving you looks again.

Vilu-Well fuck her.I don't care what she says anymore.

Fran-I have something to tell you.

Cami-Well I have something to give you. Two words and one finger.

Fran-I just meant Violetta.

Vilu-It's alright Cami.Go on.

Fran-I want us to be friends again.I just hate alll of this fighting.I love you Vilu and you know that.I was just upset but please forgive me.I just hate fighting with the most important person to me.

Vilu-Oh Fran!

Cami-You aren't really going to fall for this shit are you?

Vilu and Fran share a hug and then link arms.I have to restrain myself from punching her right in the face.

Vilu-I am so glad that we made up!

Fran-I gotta go meet Leon, but can we go shopping or something later?

Vilu-Of course! Again Fran, I am so sorry for everything.

Fran-I totally forgive you! Lets just forget about it.

Fran leaves and I turn to Violetta angrily.

Cami-What the hell is wrong with you?!

Maxi-Got your drink!

Cami-How long does it take to get a fucking drink? Honestly Maxi, stop interrupting! Nobody cares!

Maxi-Point taken...

Cami-Ugh I'm not even thirsty anymore because you took so long!

Cami-Francesa is playing you! She hates you and she can't have just forgiven you like that!

Vilu-It's still our best friend that you are talking about! She cares about us both and you should see that!

Cami-So you want to be friends with someone who dates your ex?

Vilu-I don't care about Leon.I am happy that they are together.



Cami-Just get out of my face right now.

Vilu-Fine, I'll see you in Angie's class then.

Violetta leaves and I get my books out of my locker.She is so naive! I can't believe that she believe Francesca.

Maxi-So what are you going to do?

Cami-Fight fire with fire.

Maxi-Good choice.

Cami-Ugh I'm kinda thirsty.Can you stop standing around like an idiot and get me something to drink? Your'e just useless!

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