Chapter 9: The Play

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Francesca's P.O.V

Oh, Violetta is such an idiot! How could she be so stupid? I mean honestly, I can't believe that we were ever friends!

As I go into Angie's class, I see Diego and decide to sit next to him.He looks shocked as I place my handbag on the floor next to him and sit beside him.

Diego-So what's this?

Fran-I miss you,Di.I mean, we were so good together.Do you understand?

Diego-Of course I do.

Fran-So I was wondering, if maybe you wanted to do something, sometime?

Diego-Um....I'm still dating Alicia.

Fran-And I'm with Leon.I don't want to date you.I want us to hang out.

Diego-Oh right...

Fran-Come on. How about we get pizza after school?

Diego-I'd like that.



Camila's P.O.V

Angie-So we have decided on roles for our play.

Ludmi-What about auditions?

Angie-We have decided the roles already.Francesca and Camila will be the two female leads.Diego and Leon will be the two male leads and everyone else will audition for their parts.

Cami-Hold the phone.You want me to be in your pathetic little play? I have two words; fuck no.

Angie-Actually your attendance this year has been poor so obviously you are going to make up the extra time working on this play.

Diego-I don't act.Period.

Angie-Well you're going to make an exception just this once Diego.I will leave a list of the extra roles.Class dismissed.

Angie walks over to the notice board in the class and pins up the list while the others walk over to it.I can't believe this! I don't want to be in this stupid play!

Violetta's P.O.V

As I look over the roles on the list, Fran's arms links with mine, which makes me smile.I am so glad about our friendship being back to normal.

Fran-V, you HAVE to audition for my characters best friend.We will get to work together all the time!

Vilu-I'll think about it.

Fran-Also Tomas will play your love interest.

I feel an arm around my wait before I look and see Tomas with a massive grin on his face.

Tomas-Come on Violetta, we always did make a good couple.

Vilu-Fine, I'll do it.

Fran-Why don't I sleep round at your house so we can run lines?

Vilu-Great idea.

Fran's P.O.V

Fran-Well I need to go see Leon.Bye guys.

I leave the class room and walk quickly to the girls bathroom down the hall.I knock and eventually Naty lets me in, where I see Ludmila and Zara waiting.

Ludmi-Well it took you long enough.


Zara-How are things going with Violetta?

Fran-She trusts me again.I am even sleeping at her house tonight.

Ludmi-Great work.Now that you have regained her trust, here is the next stage of the plan......


I was just wondering ; who has gone back to school? I go back on Monday xx

Also, has anybody seen Furious 7?

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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Friends Till The End (Sequel To "High School")Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon