My eyes landed on Sorin for a split second before looking back at the man. He had an unimpressed look on his face, and I felt a fresher fiery anger (worse than the one I already felt) rise in me.

The man face was filled with all sorts of rage. He threw a fist at me, which I easily blocked with my forearm, but he was stronger than me and ripped his hand out of my grip.

He kept his lower abdomen open, which was quite foolish considering he was fighting someone shorter than him.

I threw my fists to his face and as he grabbed them, I pulled myself up with everything left in me and struck his lower stomach with my heels.

He dropped me near my cot, and there was one thing I knew.

There was no way I could kill him.

I could put up an amazing fight, but he would tire me out and then kill me. I had no fight left inside me.

I had to think smarter.

I forced myself up from the ground and his fist hit my jaw as I tried to steady myself.

Breathe, Selene.

You're much worse than him. Show him that.

I took a step closer to him and looked into his eyes, as I hooked my foot around his ankle and yanked it. I watched him stumble and my hands went straight to his throat.

That was a bad move.

His hands went around my waist and he yanked me up, trying to throw me behind him, but I kicked his groin, again.

I fell on my cot as his body folded forward in pain.

My black dress cushioned my landed.

I had no fight left inside me, but I had something on the outside.

The syringe.

My hands shook as I unfolded the dress, looking for it. I didn't have much time.

My hands found the inner pocket near the hem and I pulled it out.

My hands went to the back of his neck as I stabbed the syringe in, and pushed whatever was left of the insulin in.

A choked sob left my mouth at the exhaustion and pain. I didn't even feel the tears that were streaming down my face until then. Moving too fast out my eyes for my vision to blur.

I looked over at Sorin.

"If he was about to kill you, I would've called it off," he said coolly. "But turns out, you did kill him. I am impressed."

"I don't know if I did. I don't know if this had enough," I told him. My entire body was shaking, my lungs felt as if they were about to collapse, my legs gave him and I fell to the ground. My head was spinning and tears pooled at my eyes due to the lack of oxygen in my system.

"I'll have someone take him up to get checked out then." He walked in and went to put an arm around my back to carry me. I flinched back.

"I can walk," I sneered at him. The truth was that I couldn't walk, but I would do it anyways.

I pushed myself up from the ground for what seemed like the thirtieth time today. I stood up straight and looked him in the eyes.

I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just rolled them before grabbing my dress and walking out.

He walked close behind me; too close behind me, as if I was going to fall at any second, which I probably would, but I walked with my back straight and my head held high.

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