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We had been driving for an hour and a half. The silence was uncomfortable. I had no idea where we were going and I didn't care. I just wanted to sleep on it. I needed to sleep on it all.

I wasn't sure if I was physically exhausted or mentally exhausted, but I had a feeling it was probably more than just both.

Asteria parked the car. "I need to kill him," I whispered. I needed to.

Now where in Maslow's Pyramid did it say murder was essential, but I was declaring it a part of my self actualization .

She looked over at me. "I know. You need to kill everyone, don't you, Kresent Killer?" She asked me. Her voice didn't hold the disdain that Sorin's held when he had first called me that, but I heard a hint of pride.

For what? Who was she to hold pride in the fact that I killed people to survive?

"No." My voice was hard. "I don't. I don't want to kill everyone. I don't want to do anything right now. I do what I have to," I didn't even know if I believed the words. I didn't know if I killed for the thrill or because I told myself being thrilled by it would make it easier.  "I shouldn't be here."

Her car was locked, and when I went to unlock it an alarm went off instead. I looked out the window. It was a small cottage. Isolated.

"Why did you kill her?" She asked me.

"Which her," I asked back. I knew who she was talking about. I killed Eleanor Geoffrey. "Are we here for revenge? So you can kill me?"

She scoffed. "No, I'd rather her dead than alive. Why did you kill her?" She asked again. Her black brows scrunched together in curiosity.

"Because I had too. I've killed one from all Seven families. Well, almost all. I need to kill Sorin. I might even need to kill the Sage's." I didn't actually mean the last part, or if I did, I wasn't sure. I just panicked. "Because I work for someone who pays me to do so."

"And who do you work for?" She asked me so soft. So fake.  She leaned in, showing interest. I leaned back, faking boredom.

"Landon Gray." I gave the wrong name. He wouldn't know. He wouldn't care as long as it wasn't his real name: Grayson Lyndon.

She didn't anything other than, "Let's go inside and talk." I was hesitant. I killed her mother. I've killed so many people's mothers and fathers. It shouldn't make a difference, but it did.

I followed her inside. "Let me get you something to change into." I towered over her. Without her heels she stood five inches shorter than me at 5'6.  "I can find some of my bigger clothes." She rushed up into a room and brought out a crew neck sweater and sweats. "I'm sorry if this doesn't fit," She smiled sheepishly at me. I raised a brow, nodded at her in appreciation, and took the clothes and went to change.

The clothes were a bit small on me, but I was thankful for them anyways. Sorin was spamming my phone. He was asking where I was. If I was okay. I turned off location sharing on every part of my phone and shut it off. 

I head out to where Asteria was working on something. "Why am I here?" I asked not caring that she was in the middle of work.

"You called me, Selene. You tell me why you're here," She sat back in her chair and slipped the glasses on her face up to the top of her head.

I liked the way it pushed her hair back and the emphasis it put on the shape of her face.

"Don't ask me questions when you know you can answer them yourself." She turned back to her work, slipping her glasses back onto her nose.

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