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The car ride was silent.

Neither of us said a word to each other. It was full of a frustrated tension, a mutual despise for each other, but as the car came to a halt as we arrived, both of us knew what had to be done.

The tension had turned into a bunch of nothingness. The emotional detachment was part of the job, and any smart worker knew the importance of it.

It can be inferred that I'm the smartest.

As a orphan who has never felt the love of a parental figure or friendship, it was easiest for me.

"It's quite funny to me that the Kresent Killer is afraid of Laurent Windsor." I didn't need to look at him to see the smirk on his face.

"I'm not scared of anything or anyone. I've been through hell and back and I've been to heaven and back. I'm living purgatory. Nothing scares me, but I'm also a reasonable person. Anyone willingly getting five feet within Laurent Windsor should carry as many weapons of self defense as possible. If he fought me, I'd win." I purposely left out his murderous ways with the women he slept with. I didn't need to mention it for him to know.

"Not that you'd worry, but I thought I'd let you know there are going to be people watching you," he told me. It was my turn to smirk at him now.

"People watch me everywhere I go. I just have that affect. I would suggest you hold yourself in a similar manner, but your power makes up for your inability to turn heads. So I don't care that a few more people are watching me. It's the same as usual, just they're being paid for it. They should consider it a blessing, I'm beautiful." He didn't respond, and I didn't care for his opinion on my pridefulness.

Sorin stepped out first, and held his arm out to me, and I slid my hand into the inner curve of his elbow and stepped out left leg first, crossing my legs, to avoid any incident. I slightly leaned into him and put a small smile on my face before tilting my head to get a better look at him.

His eyes were set on my face, trying to decipher the meaning of it's positioning. He knew I was a shrewd woman, so he did best to analyze the length and shape of my smile, the number of my smile lines and their intensity, the look in my eyes, the way I looked at him so dreamily as if he was the only man within a ten mile radius.

He hadn't truly seen what I was capable of, and tonight was my opportunity. He didn't need to use his words to communicate that this was a test inside a critical mission. He knew exactly who and what I was, but he wanted to see me in action. He wanted to see what made me so special- no- so powerful, that I could get away with every murder I had commit.

"Whisper random shit in my ear," I said, looking into his eyes as if I was in some lovely conversation.

He turned to me and brought his lips down, inches away from my ear. I felt the movement of his lips, as no words came out and I let out a giggle, covering my mouth with my free hand, as if he was flirting with me.

"Laurent keeps glancing at you," he said bringing his lips close to my ear. I turned my head to see a lopsided smile on his face and I smiled back.


I had come to the conclusion at an early age, that it wasn't that I wasn't in the right state of mind for a relationship. I just hated the idea of being emotionally involved with someone.

The childhood trauma and lack of affection and touch were the primary source of this.

"Well, that isn't good enough. I should give him," I looked over at Laurent with an innocent look on my face and we made eye contact before I looked back at Sorin, "something to stare at."

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