Smaugs Death and The Dark Side of Me

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I didn't have to wait too long before I saw Smaug flying to the town. I sounded the bell and started yelling for evacuation. He sucked in a breath and I saw the fire building in his belly. He was going to burn the town down, I had to stop him, I had no choice but to form into a pure white dragon with a crown, Officially the Dragon Queen.

I roared and flew into the night sky, you see my white dragon is an ice dragon, I can help freeze his fire, limiting the damage.

"Smaug! Stop this now!" I roared.

"I will not listen to you! I listen to nobody!" He roared back as he attacked me.

I noticed that people were watching this fight, I had warned Bard that the white dragon would be me, not to shoot at me. I roared and bared my teeth, diving into the attack. I blew a cold most onto Smaug.

"You think you can defeat me, Mother?! I am fire, I am death! I am King under that mountain!" He roared.

We were now on the shore, fighting each other. This is the fight to the death, I made sure his claws wouldn't scratch me, bit he did bite me a few times, I roared as he inhaled a deep breath, and blew out fire, slightly burning me. I inhaled and blew my wintry mist.

"You will die! You won't win." I yelled. "I am ice, I am life! You shall die!"

He roared and flew into the sky. I followed. I made sure we were above where Bard would be shooting, Smaugs weak spot showing. "You can't kill me, Mother."

I noticed Bard aiming at Smaug, "I may not, but they can!" I roared as I shifted as Bard shot the arrow, hitting his mark. Smaug inhaled and had a pained look. He struggled to stay in the air, but he couldn't breathe, his heart was pierced.

"Now you may die, my son." I spat.

He stopped struggling and started falling into the water, I silently let a tear drop, for my son, whom fell so deep into the golds curse grasp that it was the cause of his death.

I landed on the opposite shore as the Lake Town people. I knew they would be frightened. I had turned into a darn dragon and helped kill Smaug, my son!

I felt at peace though, I didn't feel bad. I thought I would hate myself for helping defeat him, but I didn't, I felt like it as just an everyday thing. I had a feeling that the prophecy was starting, the part about me. I would eventually be the leader of Sauron, Saruman and the Orcs. I would kill innocent people. I was going to sacrifice myself.

I ran, I couldn't face anybody. I knew what I had to do, I was going to join Azog, I was going to sacrifice myself for Thorin, I was going to live, but I was going evil. I could feel the wrath I was holding inside for so long.

I ran till I came upon the orcs camp, I entered it like I owned the place, Azog stood waiting for me.

"Good to see you, my Queen," he said as he bowed. "Good to have you on our side."

I nodded and walked into the tent that some orcs were setting up "Its good to be here. Now, tell me, when do we attack?"

"Let's talk strategy in the tent." he replied.

"Let us talk." I said.

So here I am, riding my black Warg, Thirst, wearing my dark armor, my bad side is out now, with Azog on his white Warg. We are headed to the mountain, to kill the Durin line.

"Tell me, friend, what happens after we kill them?" I asked.

"You will return to the master, while I hunt elves, dwarfs and man. We have captured the Grey Wizard." he replied.

I took in a sharpe breathe, Gandalf? They had him? What are the dwarfs going to do now? I'm gone, not going back to them, while Gandalf and the elves are fighting against the dwarfs.

"I will ride ahead, make them thing I'm joining on one of their sides, you attack the night after tomorrow night." I said.

He nodded and I was off, I was going to distract the armies, I was going to infiltrate them. This was me now. I was now an evil being.

I rode into the Elf camp, seeing Man warriors among them. "King Thranduil! I must speak with you!" I yelled.

He came running, "Angelina! What is the matter?!"

"I shouldn't be doing this, but I've joined the darkness, there is some good in me, I must warn you of the Orcs! They are coming to kill all of you!" I said.

"You've done what?!" He cried.

"I've joined the Orcs. Thorin cast me out once again, I'm heartbroken, I helped kill my son, Smaug, I lost the babies I was carrying, I have nothing, Estel won't want me anymore." I stated.

"Come, child, we must see Gandalf." he said, taking my arm and dragging me to a tent.

"Angelina!" Cried Bilbo. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

"You won't be happy after I tell you what I've done." I replied.

I looked to Thranduil, Gandalf, I spotted Elrond, and Strider.

"Tell them, what you've told me." Thranduil demanded.

I hesitated. I didn't want to face so many people I loved. I sighed. "I've joined the orcs. Thorin through me out of the company, he has broken my heart once again. I've been broken beyond repair. I lost the babies, I lost one of my mates, I helped with the killing of my son, Smaug. I'm broken."

The men's faces were serious. "You've spoken of a prophecy." stated Galadriel.

"Yes, I must sacrifice myself, and disappear for sixty years." I replied.

"Why?" Asked the voice I was dreading. "Why have you done this?"

"Aragorn, it's my fate. I will recite the prophecy." I said as my voice became colder. "For the bowman will shoot the dragon down, but the King of the Mountain will call for war upon men and elves. The enemy will come upon them and the Durin line will die, unless one sacrifices herself for those she loves. The King's shall mourn, so will the people of Middle Earth, and not move on, the stone shall be returned to the elves, but the Queen shall never return. For sixty years none will hear of her, until the ring is found. She will return, but not the same, her heart as black as Orc blood, she will never forgive, she will never forget. Her mates shall fight to bring her pure golden heart back, and fix her mind with love, not before she makes the ultimate sacrifice."

It was silent for so long, I knew they were thinking of what to do. "Azog told me you were captured, Gandalf."

"I excepted, with the help of Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel. We caught our way out of there, I also met up with Thrain." he replied.

"Thorins father?" I gasped. "They had him all this time?!"

"Yes, they did, nearly went mad too, if Gandalf hadn't have saved my life. Now tell me, what has my son done to you?" Replied a voice I didn't recognize.

I turned and was face to face with Thorins father. I smiled sweetly, "He has abused me, cast me aside like garbage, called me a bunch of names, and has broken my heart. He is one of my mates Aragorn is my other mate. I got hit with a poisoned arrow, and the poison killed the Kings babies. When he heard he had called me a disgrace, and threw me aside."

I was reliving each time he's hurt me. Aragorn had yet to hurt me. I had one mate that was constantly fighting with me and one whine respected me beyond how he should.

"Your his one and I correct?" I nodded. "He was raised better then that. He should never put his hands on you, no matter what. Dragon sickness is not an excuse."

"My lord, I assure you when he discovers the stone isn't in the throne room with the rest of the gold and jewels, he will start thinking straight, but as it sits we are at war with him, and I'm on the bad team." I said.

Bilbo piped up, "How did you know it's not there?"

"I read this story, saw the movies on earth. I know all and see all." I simply replied.

Now we just had to wait for the next day to talk to Thorin and then the Orcs to show up. I will sacrifice myself for Thorin, Kili and Fili. Hopefully they will kill Azog and his son after they 'kill' me.

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