Laceys Dragon

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The next morning I woke up early, I had to get to the children and bring them to the Dragons eggs.

I was snuggled up to both Thorin and Estel. I blushed thinking and replaying the events of the night. I smiled softly and gave them each a peck on their foreheads and snuck out of bed. I summoned warm water for my bath and slipped into the water.

After I was done I got dressed and walked to the area where the children were running and playing. I smiled when I saw Lacey running to me.

"Mama!" She squealed excitedly."Are we going to the eggs?! Will I get my dragon?"

I chuckled, and picked her up."Yes my baby. We will get your dragon today, I've got a good feeling about it."

I walked to where the adults were, some of the company were there also, all looking like they were lost. I giggled softly and looked at Lacey, "Why don't you go to Mamas room and wake up Thorin and Strider? Then we will eat and head to the cave."

She giggled and ran to my room. I looked to the group that had gathered and went up on the rock. "We are gathering here because today some of the children will be getting their dragons today! We will eat first then head to the dragon cave where the eggs are waiting. Thorins company, please do not touch the eggs. Its important that you listen to me. Kili, Fili, Ori! Dwalin is in charge of you three. Use any force needed to keep those three out of trouble." Dwalin nodded in response. At that moment Lacey was running back to me with Thorin and Estel right behind her. "Now please go eat if you haven't and then meet back here."

Thorin and Estel approached me,"Last night was what we needed. Thank you." Said Thorin.

"It's not often we get to have a feast and celebration, only once or twice a year. I knew the company needed to let loose and relax. I also want to thank you both. Thank you for accepting our mating bond. Its not often that there is two males that share the same female mate. It will be hard at times, but I have a feeling we can and will make this work." I said.

They nodded and bowed their heads to me. "It's an honor. We couldn't have asked for a better soulmate." Said Estel.

"Come let us eat and then take the children to the cave." I said while walking ahead of them.

About and hour later, we we gathered at the cave entrance. "Once again, Thorins company, DO NOT TOUCH THE EGGS!"

I lead them into the cave. Lacey was behind me holding Estel and Thorins hands. She was bouncing as she walked. So excited like her friends. They were talking excitedly about how they would finally have their dragons, and have another celebration tonight, but for the children who got their dragons.

I lit some torches and handed them out to the company and men. We needed as much light and warmth as possible to help the eggs hatch for their riders.

"Now, boys and girls that are aged eight and up who do not have their dragon, please come here to the pool." I said pointing to the warm hatching pool. "Mothers or older siblings please help them into the pool and help them hold their eggs when they get to the one they are drawn to."

The children started to weigh into the pool and the older siblings and mothers helped them get to the eggs of their choice.

"Now, children please place your hands on the shell that you've chosen. Lacey come with me please." She came up to me and I took her tiny hand in mine and guided her into the pool. She tugged me to a light blue egg. She placed her hands onto the shell."Bow in a few minutes your egg should start hatching. When the dragon is fully out of the shell he or she will only see you and you both will work on your bond. He or she will be able to talk to you in your mind, also you both will feel when each other is hurt, feelings will be shared and when your in danger."

Lacey's egg started to hatch, she was bouncing once again in excitement."Mama! Look it's hatching!"

I smiled at her and looked to the other ten children. Each has a huge smile and were bouncing and exclaiming in excitement to their helpers."Shhhhh, you must be quite. You don't want to scare the baby dragons." The children and Lacey nodded in understanding.

The eggs started to break and some had heads poking out of them. Lacey's bust right out of the egg. "Mama!" She squealed.

I smiled softly at her, "This is a female earth and fire dragon. She has spikes to protect herself and you from harm. She is only the second of her kind."

Lacey held her hands out and the dragon stumbled into her hands. We could hear the squeaks of the other dragons and their riders were also squealing in excitement.

"Lacey, why don't you name her? Children! They needs names. Some will help you with their names, others will be just as stubborn as dwarfs with their names." I smirked when I got protests from the dwarfs saying they weren't stubborn.

Lacey looked at her brown dragon and thought for a few moments, I dug into her mind and found that her and her dragon were coming up with a name for her. I smiled and started to get out of the hatching pool. As soon as I was out I had a large blanket draped over my shoulders. "Thank you Gandalf."

"Not a problem My Little Angel." he replied.

I smiled up at him and gave him a hug. "I hope the dwarfs will now appreciate us riders and dragons."

"I'm sure you will find that they have all had a change of heart, now that they saw something so sacred." he replied."I know for a fact that Thorin and Dwalin have had a change of heart. Also right now I believe Kili, Fili and Ori are hatching their own eggs, which shouldn't be happening as they aren't born as this race."

"WHAT?!" I sharply turned around and saw that it was true. Each dwarf was holding a newly hatched dragon, smiling brightly and were talking to them."KILI! FILI! ORI! I told you NOT to touch anything!"

They looked at me sheepishly but Kili smiled even brighter when he saw me smiling. This is the first in rider history that another race had a dragon. "I've named him Ricochet!" He said.

I simply nodded and told the children to wash their dragons and then go to my palace to get ready for their party.

I was feeling a bit odd so I decided to go lay down for a nap. I told Tristan to wake me in the morning. I was very tired and wanted to sleep.

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