John walked in, Camila noting how similar they were dressed in all black clothes. He dropped his guitar case onto the table.

"Good morning." Camila smiled. John gave her a small nod before noticing Greta behind her. He then gave her a wider smile.

"Good morning." He looked to the back of the room. "Hey, guys, chit chat time is over."

"Alright, I'll get out of your hair." Greta put the last drink on the shelf in the fridge and stood up, looking back at Connor. "Bye Cutie, see you tonight!"
John seemed to be losing his patience, watching Greta leave before Connor picked his bass up off the couch. Shawn took his seat at the drums, typing on his phone with one hand and twirling a drumstick in the other.

"Alright, we've got a lot of work to do. Roger says we're recording tomorrow." John said, taking his guitar out.

"Tomorrow?" Connor looked up.

"Yeah, that gives us just enough time to mix it before it hits the radio, and then we've got the party Friday night." He slipped the guitar strap on over his head. "So, let's get cracking—Camila?"

"Yes?" She tossed her paper cup in the trash.

"What about your suggestions? Did you want any changes on the song?"

"Oh, no." Camila shook her head, surprised John even remembered and asked. "It's so good already, I don't think it needs anything else."

"Alright good, let's get to work."

Camila had listened to the song on repeat last night, even though that was just a demo version, just John and a guitar, she wanted to make sure she memorized every word, every chord and knew every time John even paused for breath.

They practiced it a few times, having decided to duet and alternate verses. Camila could feel herself already getting used to the demands of rehearsal once more. Her body didn't ache as much anymore, but maybe that was the boots.

She watched John out of the corner of her eye as it went on. It really was admirable, the way he didn't seem to falter. He never seemed tired or even out of breath. She found herself watching his hands when he played.

She looked at Connor's too, just because. He seemed to show his weariness after the tenth time. He kept flexing his fingers, and took the break to head to the counter and start the coffee pot.

Camila felt a soft touch on her arm and turned to see Shawn standing behind her. He held out his phone and she looked down, their hands brushing when she took it.

You guys sound so good!!! It's gonna sound so awesome when it's finally done!!! :)

Camila giggled, finding it sort of cute that he used so many exclamation points and smiley faces when he typed, likely to match how he seemed on the outside. Camila had noticed that about him, how outwardly happy he was, even though he was silent.

"Thanks, I'm so excited to finally record with you guys!" She grinned, passing the phone back to him.

"We've been good before." John said. "But now we're great, because of you."

Camila blinked in surprise, blushing at the way he smiled at her. She knew she shouldn't be shocked, he was likely playing it all up in preparation for Friday, but still, having John compliment her to her face was still so new.

"Hey, guys, chit chat time is over!" Connor smirked, heading back to his spot. John just glared at him and Camila saw Shawn laughing silently as he put his phone back in his pocket.

They rehearsed a few more times, Camila feeling the wonderful endorphins of the music through her body, the way her voice blended with John's or the instruments when she took verses alone.

PLASTIC HEARTS | shawmilaWhere stories live. Discover now