Eva's curiosity was pleasant to Vanessa. Everything about her little sister was pleasant. "I didn't want to show up and see him. And yes, he was very handsome. He was the polar opposite of Mason, tan skin, dark eyes, salt and pepper hair," She was observant, though she was quiet. And the man was handsome for sure.

"Salt and pepper?" Eva asked.

She nodded. "Yes. He looked to be in his late forties or early fifties, I'm not sure. Another reason why I didn't want to see him. I don't mean to judge, but why would he want to talk to me?"

"He wanted to talk to you because you're a beautiful woman, and you're kind. If you decide to stop by the shop, I'll keep an eye out for you. I don't want you being swindled by another manipulative man. I have a taser and I'm not afraid to use it," Eva said protectively.

It touched her heart to know that Eva was protective of her. She knew how to defend herself, but having Eva on her side made things better. "I'll have to think about it. I don't want to be rude and never show up. He was very kind to get me coffee and a brownie, and Jesus said for us to love our neighbors, which means to be kind and not ignore their polite invitation to talk." She didn't want to make the man feel like an alien. "I don't want anyone to ever feel like their kindness is taken advantage of," She pondered.

"I may stop by tomorrow if you'll be there," She bit her tongue gently and waited for Eva's answer.

"If you feel uncomfortable, just blink at me three times and I'll come by and tase the man. I'm working the morning shift," Eva winked and messed with Lailah's hair.

Vanessa was going to be kind and she was going to be a neighbor. She didn't know if the man was new to the country and needed a friend, and though she was a little scared, she wanted to be a friend and help the man.


Every now and again, Lailah spent two hours with her grandparents to give Vanessa some time to check in on her company. She missed her, but it would only be for a little while.

She ran a financial advising company called, Grace by Grace: Financial Advising. She wanted people to know that there's always room for grace no matter the situation, and it seemed like finances were always a problem area for most people. So she offered a little grace and helped them bring order to their finances. In short, she loved her business.

"Miss Grace, we're all good for today. You've been such a great help, it makes sense, you know it's Grace by Grace?" Riley, the manager of Grace by Grace, joked.

Vanessa laughed and smiled. She liked Riley and she was always telling jokes. Some of them weren't funny, but since she was so sweet, Vanessa felt bad if she didn't laugh.

"I'm glad I could help, Riley." She put away her computer and walked to the door. "Don't hesitate to call me if you need any more help," She loved her job, though it wasn't much of a job. It was more like a hobby.

She walked out of the office and to her car. It was time to stop by A Cuppa to see her favorite sister and possibly the nice foreign man.

It would be okay. She was a little scared. She got nervous around new people, but she wasn't even sure if the man would be in the shop.

She took a deep breath and opened the door to A Cuppa.

Eva waved at her as she walked in and jumped over the counter to meet her.

Vanessa clutched her chest after seeing her sister jump. She could've slipped and hurt herself.

"It's nice seeing you here again," Eva hugged her and led her to the counter. "Order something, I'm paying!"

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now