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         That was so close, it's good that I stop him before he answer that question. I know that Rose is his first love,if Adonis answer that question everyone including Rose will know about his true feelings for her. It's best that I'm smart.

ADONIS: If you know it then who it is?

HAWK: I don't want to tell who is it.


ROSE: Who is it?

ADONIS: It's......

HAWK: (panicked)We should back to the game,right Astoria?

ASTORIA: Yes,we should back to the game.

HAWK: So the question is,when do you say to that girl your true feelings for her.

ADONIS: When the right time comes.

ROSE: I wonder who is that girl.

ADONIS: (You will know someday) Shawn truth or dare.

SHAWN: Truth,I guess.

ADONIS: Who is the first girl in your life?

SHAWN: My mother.

ADONIS: What I mean is the first girl you love.

SHAWN: My mother.


SHAWN: My mother is the first girl in my life that I love,but there is a second girl in my life now.

ASTORIA: (I like boys who love they're mother so much than other girls,Shawn is so sweet.)Who is it?

SHAWN: (blushing)Well I can't tell. Back to the game,Travis truth or....

ASTORIA: (mad,exclaimed) It's so unfair.

SHAWN: (shocked)Why?

ASTORIA: All of you play the game but I didn't,so it's my turn now.

SHAWN: Okay,so Astoria truth or dare?


SHAWN: Ummmm(thinking),I don't know what kind of dare I'll pick for you.

ASTORIA: (excited)

SHAWN: Don't read a book for six hours.

ASTORIA: (exclaimed)Whattttt? You can't do this to me.

ROSE: Astoria it's a dare,you have to do it.


ROSE: (phone rings)Wait,I should answer the phone call.(go somewhere quiet)(answer the call)

Five minutes later:

ASTORIA: Who is it?

ROSE: Guys,I should go there is something important I have to do. Bye (run).

AMBROSIA: Can we follow her?

HAWK: No,but we should go somewhere else now since the game is over and we're finished eating.

(They all go to the garden,nothing to do.)

From the dark side of the garden:

VICKY: It's so long since we plan something evil.

RUBY: Yeah, I'm kind of bored.

CYRUS: It's good we don't have anything to do.

VICKY: Cyrus just shut up.

RUBY: So what is the plan?

VICKY: Just watch and learn.(walk towards Rose's friends.)Hi.

ASTORIA: Hi Vicky.

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