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(Just imagine that the picture above is Astoria when she was little and the one touching her head is her father's hand.)

(They were still walking:)
          Father,where are you. I wish you we're here so everything will be the same like when I was a kid,like when you always telling me that dreams come true when you wish for it,dream high because it's free. But everything that I dreamed of became ash when you left us with no words,I can't love someone because I'm afraid to be left again and I want you to walk with me on my wedding day.

ROSE: Astoria,are you okay?

ASTORIA: I'm okay,just a little bit dizzy.

LING-LING: Hey Shawn.

SHAWN: Yes, Ling-ling?

LING-LING: Sit down in front of Astoria.

ASTORIA: What are you planning?

LING-LING: (serious)Now.

SHAWN: Okay.

LING-LING: Astoria,climb up on the back of Shawn.


LING-LING: You're feeling dizzy.

ASTORIA: Okay,but Shawn it's okay to you?

SHAWN: It's alright.

ASTORIA: (climb up.)

JOY: (still on the back of Esquire)Sorry guys,the road to our house is very far to walk.

HAWK: It's okay but next time I will remember to call Butler Harry for the car.

ROSE: Good idea Hawk,(furious)What if you do it now?

HAWK: I don't have phone.

ROSE: (mad)You're rich and you don't have phone?

HAWK: I forgot it at home.

ROSE: Here.(gave her phone).

HAWK: Thanks,but.......I didn't memorize the number of Butler Harry.

ROSE: (mad)What the hell? I thought you we're smart and you can't even memorize a stupid cellphone number.

HAWK: It was saved on my phone.

ROSE: Hmph.

LING-LING: Rose calm down,we're also tired and feeling hot because of the sun.

ROSE: (calm down)

AMBROSIA: Yeah,and there were also no vehicles turning here.

ASTORIA: Ambrosia,what about your phone or Adonis's.

AMBROSIA: I'm sorry guys but our phones was on the car.


HAWK: See,they also forgot it.

ROSE: At least on their car,not on they're house.

ADONIS: But I memorize my phone number.

ROSE: Adonis,you're a lifesaver.

AMBROSIA: But we don't know if he can hear it from the backseat.

ADONIS: At least we try.(Call his phone with Rose's phone.)

At the car:

MR. DRIVER: (humming)


MR. DRIVER: What is that?(pick up the phone) Unknown Number?Maybe some prank.(turn off the phone and drop it.)

At the road:

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