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At School

SHAWN: Good morning Astoria.(sit down)

ASTORIA: Bad morning.

SHAWN: Astoria,Hawk and I really sorry about what happened yesterday.

HAWK: Yeah, we're truly sorry about what happened.

LING-LING: By the way,do you know where is Rose?

ASTORIA: No,but yesterday she's with Joy.

HAWK: I really wonder where that news started.

ASTORIA: Yes,me too,I want to investigate that incident.

SHAWN: I'll help.

LING-LING: Me too.I Love Challenges.

HAWK: I'm in.

TRAVIS: Count me in

(Rose and Joy suddenly appeared.)

ROSE: Can we help?

ASTORIA: No,because you can't help.

(Astoria,Ling-ling,Hawk and Shawn left.)

ROSE: (SAD) Well,I can help.

JOY: I believe you Rose, don't mind them.

(Whispering at the corner of the room.)

???: Looks like they want to find out what happened.

VICKY: Then Ruby we need to make it hard for them.

RUBY: Okay.

TRAVIS: We're walking for about an hour and we don't have any single clue to find.

LING-LING: I'm not tired but the class is going to start.

ASTORIA: Oh My Grade,we need to hurry.

HAWK: How about the investigation?

ASTORIA: We'll just continue it after class.

Classroom:Science Subject

VICKY: Mr. Le Frog,looks like my other classmates are not here yet,i wonder where they are and if they're okay?

MR. LE FROG: Oh,you mean Rose.

VICKY: Yes.(Not her)

MR. LE FROG: She's with my granddaughter, they're learning something.I'll already know,you don't have to worry.

(Astoria,Hawk,Ling-ling and Shawn suddenly appeared panting.)

VICKY: (They're here)(Sit down)

MR. LE FROG: You're all late.Where did you all go.

ASTORIA: I'm so sorry,Mr. Le Frog.It's just we got something important to do.

MR. LE FROG: And what's more important than learning.

ASTORIA: Well, it's ummm Secret.

MR. LE FROG: Then stand outside and think if you will tell me what you did.


MR. LE FROG: And raise all of your hands.

HAWK: But.

MR. LE FROG: No but's.

HAWK: Okay.

Inside of Classroom:

RUBY: Poor Hawk,if i only knew it would happen.

GIRL #1: I want to help Hawk.

GIRL #2: Me too.

Regal Academy (Earth version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora