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Now is the time I tell everyone about your lying,you evil witch.

At the school:

ROSE: (sit down)(Where is she?)

DIANA: Good morning everyone.

ALL EXCEPT ROSE: Good morning Diana.

DIANA: Good morning Rose,you look stressed.

ROSE: Yeah,I'm so tired of thinking.

DIANA: Thinking about what?

ROSE: Thinking about.......


ASTORIA: Diana,your medical certificate is here,Uncle Ralph gave it to me because you forgot it at home. It said that you can't stress yourself again and always drink your medicine.

DIANA: Thank you Astoria,you know I need it to prove myself.

ASTORIA: No need to prove yourself,we all know that you're not lying.

DIANA: Oh,Rose what are you saying again?

ROSE: I'm just thinking about you,you know if you're okay and I prayed that your eyes will be healed.(Maybe I miscalculate everything what if she's telling the truth or maybe she's just good on pretending.)

DIANA: Thank you Rose, you're one of my very kindest friend. Back in province I don't have friends because they don't want me,even in my ballet class I just told to myself that they're jealous because I'm so good in ballet.(I think she doesn't suspect me now.)

TRAVIS: Your life is so hard,here we will protect you from those bully.

LING-LING: (jealous.)He said that to me too when we're in the kindergarten,but I was the one who protect him.

ASTORIA: So back then,so many wants to bully the grandchild of a soldier, aren't they afraid of what will happen to them.


It started in my first day of school,it was the first time I saw them:

LING-LING: (silent.)

TRAVIS: Hi,my name is Travis and this is my cousin Shawn.


LING-LING: Hi,my name is Ling-ling.

TRAVIS: You look sad,is there anyone bully you if there is just say and we will protect you from those bully.

LING-LING: Thank you.

SHAWN: I'm happy that we have new friend.

After the school:At the School's Garden:

BULLY 1: (push Shawn)Are you really a grandchild of soldier,you look weak.

BULLY 2: Yeah,you're nothing.

BULLY 3: Weak,weak,weak.

BULLY 2: Aren't you gonna say something?

SHAWN: I don't want any fight.

BULLY 1: I don't want any fight,but you're in it.

TRAVIS: Hey,stay away from my cousin.(walk towards them)(stare at the bullies.)

BULLY 3: What ya gonna do,pretending to be a hero.

SHAWN: Travis don't fight them back they're so many,and besides Grandpa will be mad to you.

TRAVIS: But I can't let them just bully you.

BULLY 1: Stop chitchatting,(run to punch Travis.)


(Someone grabbed the bully's hand.)

LING-LING: (grabbed the hand)How about you fight me.

BULLY 3: Hey,it's monkey.

LING-LING: (furious)What did you say?

BULLY 1: She's not a monkey she's a gorilla.

LING-LING: How dare you?

Ling-ling threw the bully from her shoulder and broke the arm of another bully,the other one run as fast as he can.

Since that day they never call her gorilla or monkey instead they call her monster.


ASTORIA: I didn't know Shawn have that kind of childhood because so many people respect him so much.

DIANA: I'm sorry to hear what happened in your childhood.

TRAVIS: It's okay, Ling-ling I thought you didn't remember about that.

LING-LING: Me,don't remember it?I'll always remember that day because that's my first day of meeting you and Shawn,my first day of having a friend and also the day they start calling me "monster".(And of course I will never forget that day because that was the day I fall in love with you.)

ROSE: First day of having a friend?

TRAVIS: We're the only friend she have in kindergarten because no one wants to be friends with a monster.

ASTORIA:So why do they respect Shawn now?

TRAVIS: Because Hawk starts to go in school again and they all see that we're friends with Hawk and besides Shawn healed from his illness so he starts to play basketball.

DIANA: Start to go in school again?

SHAWN: Hawk become homeschooled because his sister died and he was so sad because of that.

DIANA: I'm not the only one here with a sad childhood,so many wants to bully Travis and Shawn,while Ling-ling became the target of teasing,Hawk's sister died when he was a kid and my cousin Astoria did not spend time with her father as she grew up. 😈How about you Rose,what kind of childhood you have?

ROSE: My childhood?

HAWK: I want to know it too.

TRAVIS: Me too.

ROSE: (trying to be happy but she's sad)My childhood is perfect,I have a kind friends,my parents are always busy with they're work and full of happy memories with my family.

DIANA: I'm so jealous of your childhood.

ASTORIA: Are you sure that's all?

ROSE: Y-yeah.

LING-LING: And why are you stuttering?

ROSE: Okay,okay fine my childhood is not so perfect.......my friends is just with me all the time because I have everything they wanted and I can give it to them,when there is something bad happen I'm the one they're blaming even when they're the ones to blame.


TEACHER: Back to your seats,your classmate Odette is back from Australia and she win the first place in ballet competition let's give her an applause.

ALL: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏.

ODETTE: Thank you everyone.

TEACHER: Odette you can now seat where you used to seat.

(Odette sit)

ODETTE: Hi Gerald,it's nice to see you again.

GERALD: (shy)Hi O-o-o-odette,i-i-i-it's nice to s-s-s-see you again.

ODETTE: You still not changed.(smile.)

(Odette looked around and surprised to see Astoria there.)

ODETTE: Astoria?

ASTORIA: I thought you don't know me anymore.

ODETTE: Of course not,I'm surprised to see you here and new students.

TEACHER: Stop your chat,you can do it after class.


Regal Academy (Earth version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ