Junko's pov 

I couldn't explain this feeling, there was no logic behind it. Y/n Kamukura, the Ultimate Scapegoat, and from what I learned from some digging, the Ultimate Hope. Just watching him fills my chest with a strange feeling, something much more filling then despair. I want him. But those girl surrounding him need to be removed from the way. "Sister, I have decided that there will be some alterations to the plan" my stupid sister looked at me "alterations?" "I have to repeat myself? It means the plan is going to be changing a little you dumpster brain!" the disgusting sister spoke again "What is going to be changed?" "We wont be plunging this world into despair anymore" "huh?" "you heard me. I have a new objective." "what is that?" I grabbed the idiot and took her into the hallway, away from view and pushed her against the ground "why did I have to get stuck with a stupid sister!" I started kicking the trash for a bit until I felt better. it took some time since she kept blocking my hits "Y/n Kamukura. I want him, so you are going to go and spy on him. figure out his interests, what he likes in a girl, and gain his trust" the trash nodded "what about the plans we had..." "we are still going through with it. I need to make sure everyone know to stay away from him. I will destroy everything that dares get into my way of having him" I walked away from the pile of garbage and headed back into the gym, I need to get closer to some of these idiots in order to begin my plan. Y/n Kamukura, I don't know what you've done to me, but I am going to have you, even if I have to take everyone else out of your life! upupupupu, I wonder what kind of face you will make when I get rid of them. 

Y/n's pov 

I was sitting in the infirmary, Mikan had finished checking my chest and concluded that it was only heavy bruising. Mikan had left to go get something to help heal the bruising faster so I was left alone in the infirmary without a shirt. I would have put my shirt back on, however Mikan had taken it with her without realizing it. I was trying to think of something to do when I heard the door open. I looked over and saw Mukuro entering the infirmary with a bloody nose and some bruises. "what happened to you?" she looked over at me and more blood came out of her nose. She stood there, not saying anything so I got up and walked over to her. "hello? are you doing okay?" I waved my hand in front of her face, the only reaction I got was her face turning red and her passing out. I caught her as she fell down, I sighed as I brought her over to one of the beds and laid her down. I sighed and grabbed a tissue, cleaning the blood off her face. I examined the bruising on her arms and frowned, they were from blunt force, most likely a leather like substance from the look of it. The shape of the bruises is that of the end of a shoe, so she was kicked by someone. That would explain the nose bleeding, but how would the Ultimate Soldier get kicked this much by someone?  The only way that could happen is if Mukuro let the person hit her, so it has to be someone she is close to. The only person I've seen her talk to was Junko so that makes Junko the prime suspect. 

I made sure Mukuro didn't have any other injuries that could cause a problem before going back to the bed that Mikan had me waiting on. Mikan stumbled into the room and went over to me having me lay down so she could rub on the ointment that she had gotten to help with the bruising. She put plenty of it on before telling me to be careful not to do anything that would put stress on the area. After I had gotten my shirt back from her, I got dressed and went to check on Mukuro. Her bruising seemed to be healing faster than a normal persons, she had a red face but not a high temperature. I sighed and shook her gently, causing her to wake up. When she woke up she immediately attempted a take down due to her reflexes, however I managed to counter pin her to the floor. "Be careful there Mukuro, if you attack anyone that wakes you up you might accidentally hurt someone" She stared up at me, shocked that I had pinned her down. I smiled at her and let her go after I knew she had calmed down. "You are in school, not on a battlefield. you need to learn to read intentions before you attack." She nodded and looks around "I'm in the infirmary?" I nodded "yeah, you came in here with bruises all over your arms and face, then you passed out. I'm surprised at how fast your bruises healed. normally it takes a few days, not a few minutes" 

She looked at me "You took care of me after I passed out?" I smiled more at her "Yup, there is no reason I wouldn't. I couldn't just leave a cute girl lying unconscious on the infirmary floor" Her cheeks flushed red and she stared at me "you think I'm cute?" I nodded "yeah, you might not have porcelain skin like most people want, but freckles have their charms too." She nodded and looked away. "th-thank you" I chuckled "Not used to compliments?" She nodded "I'm used to taking orders from my commander" I put my hand on top of her head "Don't worry, you will get used to compliments soon, cause I see a lot to compliment" She blushed more and looked down at the floor. She tried responding but nothing came out of her mouth. I chuckled again "just think of me like an older brother, if you ever need help I'll be there to help you. Even if you don't ask for it" She nodded slowly and went to leave the room "Oh, one more thing Mukuro" She stops and looks over at me "h-huh?" "The one who hurt you. I'll make them pay" She stared at me for a while before nodding and quickly leaving the room. Something told me that I would need to keep a close eye on her and Junko, something isn't quiet right about them. 



Time to kick the 'despair' arc into full swing. It is really hard to come up with Ideas to fill in chapters, especially when you are going off the script of a show. Chapters for this will be coming slowly since I am very bad at this and I have a bunch of work to catch up on. As promised, Y/n will be a good older brother figure for Mukuro, and Junko wont be obsessed with despair. however Junko shall be obsessed with Y/n, cliche Yandere Junko anyone? anyways, thanks for reading, and as always. Until next chapter. 

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