Jagged and Penny's Sneak Attack

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4 months earlier:

Tucked away in a dark corner, Penny sat typing away at her laptop. The glare of the screen bleached her face in white light, her eyes fixed on the schedule she was finalising. The light pitter patter of a keyboard filled the room.

Faintly she could hear the thrum of a guitar from the studio next door where Jagged was recording his new songs. Next month he was due to release his new album, Rock Salt. It was going to be an intense, tough month for the both of them, but Penny wouldn't have it any other way. She loved working with the eccentric artist however that didn't always stop her from wanting to strangle the man from time to time. Did he even realise how insane and difficult his requests were? Did he have any idea how hard it was to book a first-class flight that allowed pet crocodiles and offered an inflight spa session for said pet? And this wasn't even his obscurest of requests either which really spoke volumes....

Penny jerked her head up abruptly, the typing stopped. Speaking of requests. Jagged had asked her for something. Absent-mindedly her eyes scanned the room before they locked onto the violet jacket that had been thrown rather unceremoniously onto the sofa by Jagged an hour earlier.

That was it. He had wanted a new signature outfit for while he was on tour, but he hadn't been happy with the designs the fashion company had provided. Apparently, it was "too constrained" according to Jagged. Which was, apparently, a perfectly justifiable reason to fire them on the spot. Because, apparently, the idea that there wasn't an infinite number of fashion designers in Paris, was unfathomable. Penny had been silently fuming at that point. This was the fifth time it had happened this month.

"You have to understand Penny. This new design has to be perfect! It has to embody the heart and soul of my music and most importantly, it has to be Rock'n Roll! Those people didn't understand." He had said nonchalantly.

"Then who Jagged? You've fired nearly all of the top designers in Paris." she said in a strained voice.

"Pixie glasses could do it. Really, I don't understand why I went to those second-rate cellos in the first place. Pixie's got the skill and my style down, ask her if she's up for it again."

She sat down, letting out an exasperated sigh as she rubbed her temples. If he knew from the beginning who he wanted, then why didn't he just say?! If she hadn't known who Pixie was... She gritted her teeth. All he had to say to her was: "Penny I want Marinette to design my outfit." But no, apparently that was just far too difficult. Instead they had to go through that entire charade that kept adding to her stress levels and overtime.

Looking back up at her computer she glanced at the time; it read 1:47. Marinette would still be in school at this time and penny wouldn't have time to call her this evening since Jagged schedule was packed. She could just call tomorrow but she really wanted to get this sorted now. Penny took a moment to consider her options. Finally settling on one she picked up her phone and speedily typed a number. It rang for a few moments, then there was a click.

"This is the Dupain-Cheng bakery. How may I help you?"

"Mrs Dupain-Cheng. This is Penny, Jagged Stone's assistant."

"Oh Penny! How can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you could pass on a message to Marinette if it's possible."

"Of course, I'll be sure to do that."

"Thank you. Could you please tell her that Jagged would like her to design another outfit for him. This would be for his new album. I wanted to ask if she could meet us this weekend to discuss themes so she could get a feel of what Jagged is looking for in the outfit. But only if she is willing and available to."

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