A Slow Night, 21 Questions and a Shadow

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It was a slow evening in Gotham. Nothing seemed to be moving from the perpetually sluggish traffic to criminal activity. As a result, patrol too was proving to be the same for the vigilantes stationed over the city. It seemed even villains needed to sleep. 

Things were becoming a little tedious for the more action inclined members of the group and it was beginning to show. Tensions were beginning to rise.

Thus far, Tim had been denied access to the coffee shop a few meters away from his position by Bruce and was forced to watch happy civilians order up his beloved beverage. Little did he know that his stationing there had actually been deliberate; curtesy of Barbra and Damian.

As Damian saw it, Tim had had the audacity and utter stupidity, to prank them. Their revenge consisted of 27 steps and this little act was just the tip of the ice berg. They'd drive him crazy before they were done with him.

It was fair to say he wasn't taking Bruce's order very well, if their heated argument was anything to go by. In a change of tact; Tim was now trying to convince Bruce that he had seen Penguin enter the coffee shop. Explaining that it was imperative he investigate the shop immediately. But despite Tim's valiant efforts Bruce didn't seem to be convinced.

In contrast Jon and Duke were having a relaxed conversation about breeds of dogs. At this moment they were discussing Corgi's and just how, "fluffy and small and adorable and cute and cuddly and.." that Jon thought they were. And duke seemed just as caught up in Jon's strange energy as they both chattered away. But they were running out of breeds...

Jason had taken to cleaning his guns and various other weapons whilst discussing theories on Prison Break with Steph. However he'd already gone through his collection and was down to polishing his last bullets. To make matters worse the pair were running out of topics to discuss since Jason was a few episodes behind. Steph was barely restraining herself from telling him everything. They both needed action desperately. Steph would crack soon if she wasn't careful and Jason was just itching for a fight.

The only two that weren't affected by the lack of activity seemed to be Barbara and Damian. They had decided to take this opportunity to plan their next act of revenge on Tim. Though they also decided to expand their list of victims whilst they were at it... Damian smirked evilly at Barbra's latest suggestion. Oh yes. Grayson wouldn't know what had hit him.

Speaking of which Dick had remained uncharacteristically quiet during this patrol. Suspiciously quiet if you asked Damian. He'd have thought he would be bored and whining like a child for them to all do something fun and help them bond more. And preferably something that would combine the two. Something like a game.

A game like 21 questions for instance.

It seemed dumb enough and easy enough for Grayson to pick, plus it would give him the pretence to pry into everyone's private lives, which was something he lived for. So this was a game he simply would not be able to resist.

So yes, it was concerning to Damian that he was silent. Not that that didn't mean he wasn't grateful for this. On the contrary he was –

"Guys." Came the pitiful whine over the comms, destroying the beginning of Damian's thankful prayer.

"I'm bored. Let's do something fun."

Grayson had reached his limit. And where there was a bored Dick Grayson, there was bound to be trouble.

"Let's play a game." This interruption brought Bruce and Tim's argument to a halt and grabbed the groups attention.

At this point anything would be a welcome distraction.

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