Part 6

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Error is almost confident Dream returns his feelings now. When he would compliment Dream he would blush and thank him awkwardly, and he would just thank someone else differently when they complimented him. He would also stare at Error sometimes, which Error thought was another sign. And he would blush a lot whenever Error did or said something even slightly flirtatious.

But, tonight he is ready. This will be his final test to see if Dream actually does love him to. Blue had sent out the invitations to one final Christmas eve party as the last party of this month. There will be secret Santa's, treats, a amazing meal, and fun.

Flashback Time


Error read the invitation right there at the door as Blue stared at him waiting to find out if he'll come. After reading the paper Error quickly flipped it over to see if there was anything else written on the back, the back side was blank. He then looked at Blue curiously, a great idea coming into his mind.

"HĒy, Blúe." Error said, Blue turned his head and stared at him, showing he had his full attention. "WiLl tHere b€ decØratÎons?" Error asked, Blue smiled and nodded his head.

"Yes of course! We will have lights, a bit Christmas tree, red ribbons, reefs-" Blue stopped, being cut off by Error.

"BUt wilL th3re b£ mistLetoË?" Error asked, embarrassed by the question. It took Blue a second to realize why Error would ask him that. Then he got the biggest grin on his face.

"I will make sure there is, but I must ask, who's the lucky one?" Blue asked excited. Error looked down and covered his face with his hands, why must Blue ask such an embarrassing question?! And what it he tells Dream that he has a crush on him?!

"JuSt dOn't telL anŸon3, oKay?" Blue nodded in agreement, just wanting to hear who Error wanted to kiss. "Í liKe Dr3am." He mumbled. Blue had the biggest smile on his face then began dancing around.

"Dream's finally gonna find love!" He sang as he danced around. Error just looked away, humiliated.


Flashback Over

Error looked around his closet, Blue never told him what he should wear! Well, he could dress in casual clothes, but what if everyone is fancy?! And he could dress fancy, but what if every is casual?! Maybe he could do a inbetween, something similar to his normal clothes but maybe just a loose tie or something. Or maybe just wearing some clothes with a good looking jacket.

Oh goodness, what should he wear?



Well, what should be wear to the Christmas eve party?

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