Part 4

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That Morning

Error slowly opened his eyes, the bright sun shining through the half covered windows. He sat up and looked around, everyone was still fast asleep, except for the fact that Dream wasn't there. Error assumed he had already gotten up and went to look for him, he's been wanting to talk to the cheerful skeleton.

He put his hand against the wall and walked, tracking feel into thought. Dream, his enemies bestfriend. But while he hates Ink he can't help but adore Dream. He's always so happy, skipping and twirling down streets, just his mere presence brings joy to people. He feels his heart race when the small skeleton smiles at him, or looks at him with his bright eyes, putting up with his glitching voice that people usually find unbearable and annoying.

Then, his train of thought was stopped when he smelt the scent of fresh hot chocolate and pancakes. He followed the scent in what appeared to be the kitchen. The kitchen had a big window that welcomed in the bright sun, with fancy ovens and a microwave and stove along with all the crazy amount of cabinets and drawers. There was also a big island in the middle with a fridge and sink across from it.

Dream was standing at the island, the pancakes and cocoa appeared to be finished, but Dream was decorating them. The hot chocolate was in little mugs, all made for the holidays, they had decently sized, white, fluffy marshmallows and a candy cane sticking out of each of them. The pancakes were different, some of them were fruity pancakes made for people who didn't want to have a diabetic coma from all this sugar and the others had chocolate chips, syrup, and sprinkles scattered around the flat yet fluffy pancake.

"HëY." Error mumbled awkwardly, trying to get Dream to finally realize he was awake. Dream turned with his golden eyes that just seemed to be shimmering and smiled.

"Good morning Error! How did you sleep?" He asked, turning back to the pancakes and cocoa but still paying attention to their conversation.

"Ī slePt surpRisingly wELl. BÙt, I caMe herE becauSe Î waNted tØ talK T0 yoU." Error said, nervous. But Dream gave him kind eyes, not minding his continual glitching that most people would be driven away by.

"Well, I would be more than happy to talk to you Mr. Error!" Error snickered at the nickname, Dream really was as childish and silly as he had seemed.

"I jUst wÅnted t0 taLk, sinCe I neveR geT tø sEe yoÜ a$ muCh ãs í wiSh I cŌuld." Dream's smile grew wider, and he smiled and nodded to show he understood.

Error and Dream talked for almost three hours, because no one woke up until then. Dream and Error couldn't believe that no one else woke up until 8am. But in those three hours they were able to create a friendship, and Error had ended up just falling even further for Dream.

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