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I could feel the handcuffs digging into my skin and I know they're going to leave marks on my wrists. It didn't help that every bump we went over my skin rubbed even more up against the cold metal. I sighed and looked out the window at all the shops, restaurants and grocery stores we were passing by, this might be the last time I see them for awhile.. I was alone back here and that made it even worse. I had no one to talk too, no one to keep my mind off that horrible night.


I stormed into my apartment, slamming the door behind me. It wasn't uncommon for me and Eric to fight, but tonight was different. Tonight was the last. I heard the door open behind me and slam again. I flung the bedroom door open and tossed my purse on the bed. "Can we at least talk about this?" Eric shouted, annoyed with the way I was behaving. I shook my head, opening up the drawers on his side of the bed. I grabbed his shirts out and every piece of clothing of his that I could get my hands on, throwing them at him violently. "Are you fucking kidding me? NO!" I yelled, I could feel my cheeks burning pink from both my anger and tears.

"You cheated on me AGAIN!" I yelled, emphasizing the again, because this wasn't the first time and i'm sure there's plenty other times that i'm clueless about. "Get the fuck out!"

Eric rushed towards me, his hands grabbed me by the shoulders shaking me violently. "I didn't fucking do it!!!" He screamed in my face, I flinched backwards squirming from his tight grip. "I saw the texts on your phone you idiot!" I said through gritted teeth, with that I shoved him away from me. I walked past him, "You can't kick me out, my names on the lease too." He stated smugly, I can't believe him. "Fine. I'll leave then." I spat, the disgust and hatred in my voice was evident.

This particular comment pissed him off, I saw the smug smile disappear from his face and his face flushed red. "You're not leaving!"

"Fucking watch me." I said, taking a step closer to him. Before I could react he had raised his hand and slapped me across the face. I gasped and my hand instinctively came to my cheek to comfort the stinging area, I could feel the welt starting to form as I looked back at him, horrified that he had laid his hands on me. Tears were suddenly flooding my vision as I swiped my purse off the counter and  ran out the door to my car. My keys were thankfully inside and I jumped into my car racing off to my best friends house.

She lived 15 minutes down the road so I sped there, when I arrived I ran up the steps. Knocking on the door, she answered the door shocked to see me standing there. Her face lit up at first but when she registered the tears in my puffy eyes and my bright red welted cheek, her face dropped. "What happened?" She asked, opening the door wider for me to come in. I pushed past her, collapsing on the couch, more tears running down my cheeks. She quickly rushed to my side and brought me into a hug. When she pulled away, her hand came up to touch my cheek, I flinched away and she looked into my eyes. "Did he hit you? Because I'll fucking kill him."

I just started to cry more and she brought me in for another hug, she cuddled me on the couch until I had worn myself out with my emotions. Eventually I felt myself drifting off to sleep.... when I awoke I was alone. A single note was left on the coffee table and I picked it up, it said "I'll be back soon. xoxo" in Emma's handwriting. Oh fuck, I knew exactly where she was going.

I ran to my car not even taking a second to see what I looked like, I drove to my apartment. The lights were still on in the apartment as I pulled in, I got out of my car and as soon as I stepped outside I heard gunshots. Shit shit shit... I booked it up the stairs to the second floor. I flung open the door to see Eric on the floor, blood pooling from his abdomen and Emma standing over his body.

"Emma what the fuck did you do?!" I screamed, tears pouring from my eyes. I walked forward and snatched the gun from her hands, I turned back to Eric's bleeding body and knelt beside him trying to wipe up the blood and keep pressure on the wound. I heard a door open and a gasp from my doorway, before I could try to defend myself the lady was already calling 911. Emma stared down at me in horror, "What did I do... oh my.. I gotta get out of here." She said in a panic, "No! You can't leave me here! You're the only one that knows what actually happened!" I screamed after her as she ran out the door. Oh god.. what do I do. Before I knew it the cops had showed up, Emma took off. I clearly looked like I had killed him, my prints were now on the gun since I snatched it from Emma, I'm going to go down for a murder I didn't commit...

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