Revealing His True Identity

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I woke up to Loki playing with my hair, "good morning darling"

I groaned before replying "morning"

I lifted my head up, catching the gaze of his beautiful eyes and smiled. Loki bridged the gap between us, the kiss was slow and loving.

Loki broke away, "I think we should get some breakfast" Just as he said this my stomach rumbled making him chuckle.

Loki gave me one of his shirts and I found a pair of joggers in my room to wear. I followed Loki downstairs, we were greeted by a mixture of amused smirks and oblivious "mornings"

"Good morning Mr Loki and Miss y/n, have a good night sleep?" Asked an innocent Peter.

"well once they got to the sleeping part" teased Bucky, earning a strangled chuckle from most of the group.

As we sat down Steve started yawning, "something keep you up last night Stevie?" I asked faking innocence.

"You had to pick Loki's room didn't you, didn't sleep one bit last night" groaned Steve.

I felt my cheeks flushing as everyone but Peter started laughing. But Loki was quick to retort, "well we didn't want to ruin Peter's innocence"

"am I missing something?" asked an extremely confused Peter.

"I thought you said the kid was smart Tony" joked Bucky.

Thor started to mimicking me, "I want to see why they call you the god of mischief"

Bucky joined in by mimicking Loki, "Are you challenging me?"

Loki was starting to blush as well, thankfully Steve was quick to interrupt, "alright that's enough, we don't need to hear it"

The subject of me and Loki was thankfully dropped over breakfast, it was just general talk until Tony made the conversation a bit more interesting.

"Y/n, we have been thinking. As a team," he gestured to everyone around the table, "that you should be one of us. Part of the Avengers"

"Wait really?" This was by far the most exciting and scary thing that had happened in a long time.

"Yeah we don't see why not, you've got plenty of experience and skill" added a very smiley Steve, I'm pretty sure he suggested it.

"It would involve a bit more training and tests but I'm confident that you will do fine. Also we are going to need to know any special skills" finished Tony.

"I would love to give it a go. I'm a fair marksman, fairly wide knowledge on weapons and I can do this" I clicked my fingers and activated my invisibility powers. I waited a few seconds before clicking my fingers again and deactivating my powers.

"That should be useful" said an impressed Tony.

"I'm also pretty good at getting people to expose their secrets" I continued, "hydra thought a master manipulator would be helpful"

"Gowan have a go then y/n, manipulate one of us" challenged Tony.

Loki immediately looked uncomfortable, muttered a "sorry" and left the room. Thor and I shared a concerned look before I pushed my chair out from the table and got up.

"Sorry, maybe another time" I said excusing myself and heading for the stairs. Once I reached Loki's bedroom I found his door closed.

I knocked on the door, "Loki, are you ok?" I said through the door. No answer. I tried handle but the door was locked. I could hear muffled and strangled sobs from inside.

"Loki, I didn't mean to upset you" I was starting to get worked up myself, I didn't know what happened but the sounds of his sobs ripped into me.

"Please let me in" my voice started to break.

"I-i can't" replied Loki with a shaky voice from the other side of the door.

I cursed the tear that broke free from the pools in my eyes. I couldn't bear to hear his voice so broken.

"Please" I begged, I heard the lock click and Loki open the door slowly. I hastily wiped the tears from my face but I wasn't quick enough. Loki's reddened eyes widened and he quickly pulled me into his room and shut the door behind us. I pulled Loki into a tight hug, resting my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry Loki, I didn't mean to make you cry." I murmured into his chest.

Loki picked me up, sat me on the edge of his bed and knelt in front of me so we were eye level.

"When you said you could force someone to expose their secrets, I-i got scared." Loki's voice was still shaky.

"I would never manipulate you like that Loki"

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, "Why? Why wouldn't you?"

"Because I love you!" I blurted out, I was as shocked as Loki that I had said that.

Loki's eyes changed, they was a spark of joy dancing in them, "you do?"

I laughed quietly, "yes, yes I do. I love you Loki"

Loki stood up and pushed me back so I was lying on my back. He climbed on top of me, kissing me passionately. "I-didn't-think-you-felt-the-same-way" he said in between kisses.

After a while Loki broke away from me and stood up, straightening himself out, "I owe you an apology"

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't been completely honest with you" as soon as Loki said this I looked away from him, I was confused and hurt. I had told him I loved him and he says that he'd been lying to me.

Loki's skin tone started to change, it was turning an icy blue and marks started to appear on his skin. The most alarming, yet beautiful thing was that his eyes changed from emerald to scarlett.

The pain in my eyes turned to awe, "Loki you- you look amazing"

Loki smiled down at me, but changed back before touching me. He lent down and kissed me, "you really are perfect" he murmured.

You opened Loki's door to see Steve, Bucky and Thor leaning against the wall. "everything alright?" Asked Steve.

Loki looked down at me, "yes, yes I think so"

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