Sudden Leave

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We were back in Loki's chambers when Loki approached me from behind, wrapping me in a warm hug.

"You were amazing darling" he whispered into my neck.

"You liked the little show I put on?" I asked teasingly leaning back into him.

"mmm I definitely did" he murmured, his warm breath settling against my neck.

I leaned back, capturing a soft spot on Loki's neck. I started gently but soon got rough, knowing I would leave a mark.

I pulled away from a very flustered Loki and started to fix my hair.

"What are you trying to do to me pet?" He asked softly coming up behind me again, this time only placing his hands on my hips and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I was gonna give you a special little show but we can't be late for dinner" I replied teasingly.

Loki groaned before replying, "your gonna pay for that later"

I turned to face him smirking, "Oh darling, I'm counting on it"

I walked out of Loki's chambers, with a slight sway to my hips while a flustered Loki followed behind me.

Once he was level with me he wrapped an arm around my hip and whispered in my ear, "you are going to regret that later"

It was an hour into dinner and everyone had swapped seats to talk. I was sat near the Warriors Three, listening to Volstagg's stories. Loki was talking with Thor, but looking extremely bored. So I decided to catch his attention and lighten his mood a bit.

There was still desert on the table, people were picking at it as they talked. There was a bowl of trifle near me so I helped myself to a small portion, which caught Loki's attention.

I dipped my finger into the cream and proceeded to lick the cream off while making full eye contact with Loki. He shuffled in his seat uncomfortably, breaking eye contact briefly.

I 'accidentally' get some on my lips, so I licked it off. This simple action got Loki very obviously flustered. Thor turned his head and smirked at me, knowing what was going on, before tapping his brother's shoulder and nodding in my direction.

Loki hastily moved to sit next to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I let my hand travel up and down his thigh, occasionally teasing under his bulge.

His grip on my waist tightened, he leaned in and gruffly whispered into my ear, "You. Bedroom. Now."

I was lying on Loki while he stroked my hair, both of us watching the sun rise through the open curtains when Thor rudely burst into the room.

Loki was quick to pull the covers over us both, "Brother! Learn how to knock"

"I'm sorry but it's urgent, y/n needs to return to Midgard immediately"

"What? Why?" I asked rolling off Loki and sitting up, careful to make sure so was still covered.

Thor didn't answer my question, "You will be escorted to the BiFrost by Lady Sif, be ready in an hour"

Loki sighed before replying, "I'll be in the throne room straight away brother"

Thor nodded, gave me an apologetic look and left the room. Loki got out of bed, clicking his fingers making his armour appear on his body.

"I'm sorry my love, your visit has been cut short. Pack your stuff up and don't leave this room until Lady Sif comes to collect you." Loki hugged me tightly, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"Please stay safe and don't do anything stupid,

"You know I can't promise that, but I will try my love"

"I love you" I whispered into his embrace, Loki responded by lifting my head and meeting my lips. It was a short but meaningful kiss.

"I love you too darling, stay safe and I'll see you soon" He said softly, kissing my cheek before leaving the room.

About an hour later I was waiting by the BiFrost with Sif, "your friends are expecting you"

"Thank you Sif but no one has told me why I have to leave"

Sif sighed before replying, "the dark elves are back. Loki and Queen Frigga don't want you to be put in danger, even though the rest of us think you would be helpful.", Sif shook her head slightly, "but it's the Queen's orders".

I could tell Sif wanted to say more but Heimdall had already activated the BiFrost.

"Stay safe Sif" I said waving before stepping into the BiFrost. Bright rainbow lights engulfed me before I heard a familiar voice.

"y/n!" Bucky picked me up as soon as I landed,  hugging me tightly and spinning in circles.

I giggled as he set me back on my feet, "did you miss me?" I asked teasingly.

"nooo" he replied with a wide grin set on my face.

"he wouldn't shut up about you" said a tall blonde man I hadn't met yet.

Bucky was quick to introduce us, "this is Clint, there are three others you haven't met yet y/n"

"I'm Nat" introduced a tall, slim redhead who was standing next to Clint.

A shorter, younger looking read head appeared from behind Bucky, "hey y/n nice to meet you, I'm Wanda"

"Nice to meet you both" I replied smiling at the two women.

A tall guy with silvery hair appeared next to Wanda and waved at me, "hey y/n I've heard a lot about you, I'm Pietro, Wanda's twin"

"twins? That's so cool"

Pietro grinned, "if you think that's cool, then watch this." He turned into a bluey blur as he sped around in circles around me.

"Stop showing off Sonic" called out Tony, who had only just arrived, "y/n it's good to see you"

"Hey Tony" I replied walking over to him for a quick hug.

I returned to the twins, "I've gotta say that's impressive. What about you Wanda?"

"It's a bit too dangerous to show you but I use chaos magic and I am a telepath"

"That's actually really cool"

Wanda gave me a shy smile before asking,  "what about you y/n, any powers?"

"I can turn invisible but except from that I'm like Bucky but without the metal arm" I replied with a slight laugh.

The twins and I ended up deep in conversation for hours, interrupted by more members of the team coming in to welcome me back before leaving again.

After a while, Clint came back into the room, "hey y/n! Me and Nat are going to train, you coming?"

"sure I'll be down in a minute" I answered, waving goodbye to the twins and headed upstairs to change into training gear before going to the gym.

"hey newbie," Nat called out, "Ready to get your ass kicked?"

"are you?" I replied with a smirk.

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