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Steve's POV———————————-

It had been a week since the events of Siberia, Bucky and Clint had made full recoveries from their injuries while Natasha had only just got back on her feet. Y/n had shot Natasha twice in the arm and three times in the leg, luckily they were only flesh wounds.

Y/n had been put into a forced coma and was being kept in a high security cell below the compound, much to most the team's disgust.

Director Fury kept visiting the compound over the week to make sure y/n hadn't been released or woken up yet.

"Updates on the subject" asked Fury.

"We've started the waking process" replied Tony, briefly looking up his computer.

"I'm sick of you calling y/n a subject, she's a human being so start treating her like one." Retorted Sam angrily.

"Y/n nearly killed me." Argued Natasha.

"I've nearly killed all of you on several occasions. What's stopping you from putting me into a forced coma" Bruce's angry outburst shocked us all, he was right but he had stayed very quiet over the situation. So much so that we assumed he had taken Natasha, Tony and Fury's side.

"Y/n is one of us" I said trying to bring an element of calm to the argument.

"Not anymore" replied Tony with a slight smirk.

"What?!" Half-shouted Thor.

"Y/n has been stripped of her Avengers title and any benefits. She is too much of a threat." Explained Fury. Before any of us could reply, screams filled the rooms coming from the sound system.

"She's awake"

TW- Descriptions of abuse

Y/n was lying on the floor when we got to her cell, she kept her slightly glazed eyes fixed on the ceiling of the cell. A large collar was around her neck and shackles were attached to her wrist and ankles, but they weren't attached to anything.

"Get up" commanded Fury, she ignored him. "Stand up!"

"I don't take orders from you" she replied robotically in Russian.

"Stand up soldier" commanded Natasha in Russian.

Y/n turned her head to look Natasha, her cold eyes studied her before looking back at the ceiling. "I remember you, you were strong, you were powerful, you were everything we wanted in an agent. But you've become weak, you fail to see that I didn't train you to be my equal or anything close to it. I don't take orders from you Natalia."

Natasha's face fell at the use of her old name and Bucky tensed up next to me. We were all just as shocked as one another that y/n had trained Natasha. Y/n opened her mouth to say something else but her words were replaced with screams. Tony had activated the electric collar that was around y/n's neck, "Fuck you!" She screamed while writhing on the floor.

"Turn it off Stark!" I shouted, glaring at Tony who was stood over the control centre. With a flash of silvery blue light, Pietro had kicked the control panel across the floor, breaking it. The collar and shackles had released and were now lying loose on the floor.

"Your a piece of shit" said Sam to Tony, obviously disgusted, "your putting all your effort into hurting her when you could be helping her."

"She's been through more than any of us could imagine" Added Bruce.

Y/n brought herself shakily to her feet, trying not to show weakness as she stumbled to the glass of the cell.

"Zima?" she asked putting a scarred hand up the glass. Bucky responded quickly, moving up to the glass and resting his metal hand on the same spot, "it's ok, I'm here with you. Your ok."

"It hurts Zima" she whimpered.

"Show me"

Y/n took her hand off the glass and pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her in a sports bra. There was a large red ring around her neck were the collar had been, mixed with a yellow and purple bruise from where the Winter Soldier had strangled her. Y/n had deep cuts on her wrists from the shackles and her torso was covered in bruises and cuts. The gunshot wound in her arm had reopened and was seeping blood.

"Pietro? Can I get a kit please?" Asked Bucky staring at the state of y/n's body. Pietro disappeared and reappeared within seconds with a large first aid kit and put it next to Bucky.

"Open the cell Stark" demanded Bucky.

"I'm not going to do that Barnes"

Bucky moved quickly away from the cell, pinning Tony against the wall with his metal arm, "it wasn't a fucking question. Open the cell."

Natasha and Nick had pulled their guns from their holsters and aimed them at Bucky. Wanda reacted quickly putting up a barrier behind Bucky, preventing Natasha and Nick from shooting Bucky.

Bruce moved to the control panel and started pressing at buttons, opening the cell. Bucky released Tony and Wanda let down the barrier.

"I'm going to clean you up, ok?" Said Bucky gently as he moved back to the cell, picking up the kit. Bucky entered the cell slowly, shutting the cell door behind him.

He sat down cross legged next to y/n who was also sat on the floor. He slowly and methodically treated her wounds while talking to her softly in Romanian.

I put my hand on Thor's shoulder, he was tensed and watching y/n intently. I knew that he desperately wanted to help her but he also knew that she would hesitate to kill him if he did. I lead him away gently, closely followed by the others.

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