Meeting the Family

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Loki, Thor and I gathered in a field next to compound, "Are you ready?" Asked Loki, his arm curled around my waist.

"Yes, I think so" I was nervous and a little scared, going to Asgard was daunting. I was going to a strange planet and living with the royal family.

Loki noticed how nervous I was, "It will be fine darling, the BiFrost doesn't hurt and you will be safe in Asgard. We will be back living with our friends before you know it."

"What if they don't like me?"

"Of course they will like you. Your forgetting that your dating the prince and your friends with the future king of Asgard. If we like you so will the rest of the palace."

Loki's grip on me tightened as bright, rainbow lights circled us lifting us into the air. It acted like a tunnel that completely defied gravity.

Before I knew it the lights had disappeared and we were surrounded by a golden sphere. The sudden landing had knocked me off my balance but Loki kept me upright and close to his body.

"Welcome to Asgard Lady Y/n" exclaimed Thor proudly.

I looked around in awe, "It's incredible."

We walked across the rainbow bridge, it had the same colourful lights as the BiFrost. At the end of a bridge waited two beautiful horses, a chestnut and a friesian horse. Thor seemed to have a small conversation with his horse before mounting the chestnut. Loki helped me mount the friesian before bringing himself up behind me.

Loki took hold of the reins, his arms wrapping around me. We set off with Thor following behind, the boys slowed the horses' pace down as we reached the busy town. As soon as people realised that it was the princes they moved out of the way, clearing a path for us. Some cheered or bowed as we passed, Thor waved at his people while Loki gripped me tighter.

Eventually we reached the palace, it was massive and very gold. Waiting at the entrance was a beautiful older women dressed in a flattering, floor length yellow dress.

Loki and Thor pulled the horses to a stop and we dismounted. Two stable boys came forward and led the horses away.

Loki squeezed my hand before letting go and approaching the woman, "It's good to see you mother, how are you?" He asked pecking both cheeks.

"I'm very well thank you, I've missed you both" answered Queen Frigga while moving to hug Thor.

Loki moved back to my side, curling his arm around my waist. "Mother. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, y/n"

Queen Frigga approached me with open arms, pulling me into a warm, welcoming hug. "Heimdall had told me a lot about you y/n, It is so good to finally meet you."

"Thank you, Loki and Thor have told me a lot about you as well" I replied as we broke away.

"Come, your father is waiting"

Loki took my hand as we followed the surprisingly quick Queen Frigga down the marbled halls to the throne room. Before I knew it we were standing in front of King Odin.

"Father, Iwould like to introduce Lady Y/n of Midgard" introduced Loki in a tone of voice I had never heard him use before, it was harsh yet respectful. I could tell that Loki and Odin's relationship was on the rocks.

The Allfather gazed his eye over me looking unimpressed, "A midgardian? You've chosen a mortal as a mate, pathetic." That did wonders to my confidence.

I lowered my head trying to cover the growing heat in my cheeks. Loki let go of my hand and curled his arm around me, gripping my waist in a protective hold.

"Lady y/n may be a mortal but that does not change the friendship and relationship she has built with our sons" said Frigga in a stern tone.

"Asgardians belong with Asgardians, not mortals" stated Odin, ignoring Frigga's angry gaze.

"I don't see the problem, I am not Asgardian therefore that doesn't apply" retorted Loki angrily.

"Father, Lady y/n has proved she is worthy" said Thor calmly in a vain attempt to calm down the situation.

"Can she lift Mjölnir?"

I looked up, "I-I've never tried" All of my confidence was gone after the strained conversation and I cursed myself for stuttering over my words.

Odin laughed before replying harshly, "She's not worthy" Frigga sighed, shaking her head slightly before sharing a knowing look with her sons.

"Very well, we hope to see you at dinner father" said Thor as he took his mother's arm.

"Speak for yourself" muttered Loki as he led my from the throne room.

We walked in silence down the large halls until Thor and Frigga broke away bidding us farewell. Loki and I continued in silence until we reached his chambers. He unlocked the door with his magic and led me inside.

I was the first to break the silence, "I can't stay here Loki" I said turning away from him.

"Your not going anywhere y/n, you are going to stay here with me."

"How can I?" I turned to face him, tears threatening to escape the pools in my eyes, "the king hates me!"

Loki pulled me into a much needed hug, I rested my head on his chest. "The king is an idiot and doesn't see what I see." he said lifting my head up so I was looking at him, "Your amazing, don't forget that"

"I love you Loki" I said with a small smile.

"I love you too sweetheart" Without warning Loki lifted me up and carried me to his bed. Loki used his magic to change both of us into more comfortable clothes before finding a book to read. He draped his arm around me while I rested my head on his chest. I felt my eyes get heavy while I listening to Loki read, it wasn't long until I drifted to sleep.

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