"I'm Sorry"

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A bright flash of light and the sound of thunder from outside shocked everyone at the party, including me. But it meant one thing, Loki and Thor were home!

I excitedly tried to make my way through the crowd, desperate to see his face again. Desperate to feel the press of his cold body against mine. Desperate to hear his laugh again.

The world seemed to fall apart around me as soon as I saw him. Thor was covered in dirt and blood, so much so that blood dripped to the floor and Mijnoir hung loosely at his side. But most worryingly, he was alone.

"Thor?" I asked with a slight tremble in my voice but he didn't look up at me, "Where is he, where's Loki?"

Thor finally looked at me, his face was tear stained. He could only shake his head at me.

"No, no. Where is he!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face. Thor flinched and turned his head away from me, hiding his own tears. He couldn't be gone, Loki said that he would be back. He said he would come back for me.

I felt a strong pair of arms grip me from behind and started moving me away. I screamed, cried and struggled as he dragged me away from the confused and distressed crowd.

Once we got to the hallway, Steve pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly as I cried into his chest. He rubbed his large hand in circles on my back in an attempt to comfort me. We stood in silence for what it felt like hours until I finally lifted my head from Steve's chest.

"I need to talk to Thor" I said wiping tears from my face. Steve only nodded and gave me a sad little smile before leading me back into the room. The crowd had dispersed, only leaving those who lived in the tower. Thor was sat on a chair while Bruce carefully cleaned his wounds. Nat waved Bruce away when she saw me.

Thor got up slowly, wincing in pain. Despite his discomfort he closed the gap between us, pulling me into a tight hug. Thor rested his head in the crook of my neck, sobbing into it.

"I'm sorry y/n" he mumbled lifting his head from my shoulder, "I couldn't protect him."

I pulled away from him, placing my hands on each side of his face gently so he was looking at me. "It wasn't your fault Thor." I tried to keep my voice steady. Thor couldn't speak, he only responded by resting his forehead against mine.

"It's ok Thor, it's ok" I whispered as tears trailed down my face. Thor gently wiped my tears with his large thumb.

"L-lo. He wanted me to t-to," Thor stopped and took a deep breath, "to tell you that he didn't want to leave you and t-that he loves you."

I struggled to hold myself together, I had to release Thor. I stumbled back, falling to my knees. I held my head as a memory painfully flashed before my eyes.

"Please stay safe and don't do anything stupid,
Loki" I pleaded, hugging his torso tightly.

Loki rested his chin on my head, "You know I can't promise that, but I will try my love"

"I love you" I whispered into his embrace, Loki responded by lifting my head and meeting my lips. It was a short but meaningful kiss.

"I love you too darling, stay safe and I'll see you soon"

"Y/n? Can you hear me? Y/n" asked a soft voice as I became more aware of my surroundings. A small, warm hand was resting on my back. As my vision focused a realised that it was Pietro talking to me while Wanda held me.

"I-I'm sorry" I mumbled, "I-I don't know what happened"

"It's ok, your ok. We've got you" ensured Pietro as he helped Wanda bring me to my feet.

"Thank you, I, um, I think I'm going to go to bed." I mumbled before heading for the elevator.

Steve's POV———————————-

Bruce had led Thor to bed after calming him down and everyone else had started leaving for bed. I helped the staff clear up the trail of blood that Thor had left when he first walked in before heading to bed myself.

Y/n's room is on the way to mine so I decided to check on her. Weirdly, her bedroom room was open and her room empty. Next along is Loki's old room. I slowly cracked the door open and peered in. There was y/n curled up in Loki's bed, wearing his jumper and hugging his pillow.

It made my heart break watching y/n try and find comfort so desperately. I decided that she shouldn't be alone that night. I crept into the room, closing the door behind me and sunk into one of the armchairs. I figured that if anything was going to trigger y/n nightmares it would be Loki's death. The death of the only person who has ever been able to comfort her after them.

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