The Agents

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"Hey newbie," Nat called out, "Ready to get your ass kicked?"

"Are you?" I replied with a smirk.

As soon as I stepped onto the mat Clint shot an arrow at me. I swiftly caught it and threw it back at him, pinning him to the wall. Nat came at me quickly from behind, jumping up and putting me into a choke hold. I brought us both down to ground.

Because we both have very similar fighting styles, Nat and I were able to counter each others attacks easily. Neither of us gaining an advantage on the other for a while.

It wasn't until Nat flipped with her back briefly too me did I have a chance to gain an advantage. I ran up behind her, gripping her neck with my legs and flipped us. I landed on top of her, stopping her from moving.

"That's impressive" she admitted.

"Ex-hydra agent?" I asked in Russian as I let her get to her feet, she nodded in response.

Clint pulled the arrow from the wall, "Let's go get food, I'm hungry"

We got back to the kitchen, Clint had helped himself to one of Tony's cheeseburgers. "So y/n, your fluent in Russian?" He asked before taking a bite.

"Yep, and Romanian, Italian, French, German and ASL" I replied taking a sip of my water.

"Not bad, where'd you learn?"

"Some from the war but mainly hydra. They wanted us to be multilingual" I admitted.

"Ohh, so are you like Nat or like the twins?" Asked Clint, seemingly interested in my past.

"I guess a little bit like the twins. I was experimented on and gained invisibility from it. But I'm mainly like Bucky, Hydra's version of a super soldier." I replied shrugging, "we were actually in the same regiment in the 40s" I added.

"That brings our fossil count to 3" teased Nat.

"Stop calling us fossils" complained Steve as he walked into the kitchen.

"If you guys weren't so helpful we would put you in a home" replied Clint with a smirk.

"Or a museum" added Nat.

Steve shook his head laughing while he made himself a coffee. "Has Tony told you guys about the party tonight?"

"Nope, what's his excuse this time?" Asked Nat, stretching as she got off the sofa.

"He said something about us needed to keep up the social part of our lives. I think the real reason is the party floor is starting to collect dust." Replied Steve with a shrug.

"Hey y/n, do you want to get ready with me and Wan?" Asked Nat putting her empty glass in the sink.

"Yeah sure, I'm gonna need help on what to wear" I agreed.

Loki's POV——————————————-

I was surrounded by the dark elves, I had my daggers drawn. Realistically, there was too many for me too fight off by myself. Thor was desperately trying to fight off Kurse so I was by myself.

The dark elves made the first move, I was desperately trying to counter their attacks. I managed to kill a few of them, watching Kurse beat Thor into the ground in my side eye.

This was going to be one hard fight to win.

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