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Hinata watched Kageyama step out into the street, he didn't look both ways, but Hinata did. It was a habit that had been ingrained in him since he was a small child. He expected there would be nothing to worry about because the lights had changed to allow them to cross, but he did it anyway. He gasped, there was a car coming straight for Kageyama that looked like it had no intention of stopping.
"Kageyama! No!" Hinata yelled as he darted across the street to push Kageyama out of the way. He was able to get Kageyama clear of the car's path, but unfortunately, Hinata couldn't do the same for himself. The driver of the car slammed on their brakes at the last second, but it wasn't enough. It collided with Hinata, causing him to be thrown into the air for a moment and then hitting the ground a few feet away. The solid asphalt was not a very good place to land, and Hinata slid for a second feeling it tear up his skin. He'd also knocked his head pretty good and his hair was warm and wet with blood. He was in immense pain, and could feel himself slipping in and out of consciousness.
He heard Kageyama come over and exclaim, "Hinata? Are you okay? Hinata, please speak to me." Hinata tried to respond, but he couldn't even open his eyes, much less speak. He vaguely remembered Kageyama yelling something after that, and being carried somewhere. The thing that brought him back was the sound of Kageyama crying. He opened his eyes and tried to look at Kageyama's face, but his vision wouldn't focus.
"Kageyama?" He asked. Kageyama continued crying but Hinata felt Kageyama take his hand.
In between sobs Kageyama managed, "I'm here for you." Hinata wanted to say something back, but it was so hard to do anything.
Eventually, Hinata was able to respond, "I love you." Each word took so much effort, but he forced himself to say it anyway.
Kageyama gave Hinata a hug, "I love you too." That was the last thing Hinata heard before he slipped unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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