Chapter 5.

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They stayed on the couch kissing and talking, until they realized that they probably should be heading to Hinata's house, because they both knew they could stay like this forever, and they didn't want to accidentally lose track of time. Kageyama snatched a jacket from where it was laying on the floor of his bedroom, and him and Hinata walked out the door. Kageyama laced his fingers with Hinata's and they made their way in the direction of Hinata's house. Hinata, as always, was getting distracted by everything around them. This time, he seemed very interested in all of the bees that were flying around, "Do you like bees Kageyama?" he asked.

"Not really," Kageyama replied.

"Why not? They're really helpful you know, they pollinate flowers, they make honey, they-- ahhh!!" Hinata leapt to the side as a bee flew at him.

Kageyama couldn't help laughing, "I thought you liked bees."

Hinata was breathing rapidly, "I can like something and still be kind of scared of it. I'm with you after all." Kageyama narrowed his eyes. Hinata pretended to seem confused, "What? You don't like my comparison? Or are you just mad that it's accurate?" Kageyama tightened his grip on Hinata's hand, but didn't say anything. Hinata was most likely joking, he knew he could be scary, but it wasn't on purpose every time. He did like that he could scare Hinata a bit, because he could use that to his advantage, but he really hoped that the main thing Hinata felt when he looked at Kageyama, wasn't fear. Maybe he was afraid of him, maybe that was the only reason he was going out with him. No, that couldn't be it, Hinata was good at a lot of things, but being able to lie about his feelings, wasn't one of them.

"I can tell you're over thinking something," Hinata said, "Stop it, it just gets you worked up over nothing. Just try and relax, today is supposed to be all about having a good time. It's the weekend, we don't have volleyball practice, we're seeing Kuroo and Kenma, and we're together. There's nothing bad about any of that so quit being stupid when you don't have to be." Hinata was right, like he usually was when it came to how Kageyama was feeling. He didn't understand how Hinata could read him so well, and he didn't know if it was a good or bad thing, but he usually didn't mind it. It made Kageyama feel better when he was worried over being the best at everything, because Hinata always assured him he was already perfect the way he was. Kageyama had once asked Hinata if it annoyed him to do this so much, but Hinata had just smiled and said he would never get tired of making Kageyama feel loved.

"Alright fine, dumbass, but you know not thinking isn't my strong suit, it's yours," Kageyama told him.

"Hey!" Hinata complained, "I think just the right amount, you should take notes and try being like me sometime."

"I would never do that, because you're already the best at being you, that's the one competition I'll admit I can't win," Kageyama responded.

"Well, you're right about that," Hinata said.

After a few more minutes they reached Hinata's house, and before they could even walk up the driveway, the front door opened and Natsu ran out. She reached them and hugged Kageyama's legs. Natsu loved Kageyama, but Kageyama didn't know why. He didn't feel like he'd done anything to deserve it, he was just nice to her, but who wouldn't be? She was so cute; it was impossible to be anything but nice. Kageyama was happy she liked him though, because it made him feel like he was making a good impression on Hinata's family. Kageyama picked her up, so she would detach from his legs, and they walked inside together. Kageyama followed Hinata into his bedroom, and set Natsu down. He sat on the edge of Hinata's bed, and watched him dig through his dresser.

Natsu scrambled up next to Kageyama. Something she had in common with her brother was that she loved playing with Kageyama's hair, and now it was reachable for her. She pulled out some hair ties, Kageyama had no idea where'd she got them, but girls always seemed to have them on hand. She began making tiny ponytails all over Kageyama's head. Hinata finished getting dressed, turned, and saw what was happening. He tried, and failed, to stifle a laugh, "Wow, Kageyama you look great."

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