Chapter 3.

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They came across a big park, where something appeared to be going on. Kageyama didn't know what it was for, but there were little stands set up everywhere with people selling all sorts of items.

Hinata tugged on Kageyama's shirt, "Let's go over there! I want to see what's for sale." He started running across the grass, and Kageyama followed right behind him. Hinata stopped at a stand selling jewelry, and picked out a big chunky necklace that he promptly bought and put on Crispy.

"It's not real, it doesn't need to get dressed up," Kageyama said.

Hinata seemed upset that Kageyama would suggest such a thing, "I want him to look his best!" Hinata then went to the next stall over, that was selling strangely shaped gourds.

"Don't spend all your money," Kageyama warned. Hinata ignored him and Kageyama turned to the stand behind him. It was selling fresh fruit, and Kageyama did think that it looked quite delicious. He bought an orange, and wandered back towards Hinata, "Hey, dumbass!" Kageyama had gotten Hinata's attention and he came over.

Kageyama split the orange and gave half to Hinata. They began eating it together, and Kageyama thought it was one of the best oranges he'd ever had. He hadn't split it all that well so juice was dripping everywhere, but he didn't mind. After they finished, Kageyama threw the peel away, and they continued walking around the stalls. Hinata tried to slip his hand into Kageyama's but Kageyama pulled away, "My hands are sticky," he explained.

Hinata grabbed it anyway, "Mine are too, so it doesn't matter. What? Are you worried you'll get stuck to me? That wouldn't be so bad."

Kageyama squeezed Hinata's hand tightly, "Well if it does happen, you can't say I didn't warn you." Hinata wanted to buy everything they saw, so Kageyama spent most of his time convincing Hinata not to. The hardest thing to get him away from was a giant glass sculpture of a cactus.

"But I need it!" Hinata complained.

Kageyama grabbed him around the middle, and started carrying him away, "No you don't. What would you even do with that?"

Hinata struggled, "I would display it proudly in my room, gloating over everyone who didn't have one." Kageyama didn't let go of him. Hinata wriggled even more, "Crispy thinks I should have it. That's two against one."

Kageyama kept walking, "Crispy isn't real."

Hinata slammed his hands over the stuffed dog's ears, "Don't let him hear you say that!" Kageyama felt that he didn't need to dignify that with a response, and he just continued going until they were out of the rows of stalls and far away from the glass cactus. He set Hinata down gently.

Hinata crossed his arms and pouted. Kageyama nudged him, "Come on, you're acting like a child. You know that would be an unreasonable purchase."

Hinata continued acting upset, "It wouldn't be that unreasonable."

"Okay, then how much did it cost?" Kageyama asked. Hinata scuffed his shoe on the ground, then he said quietly, "10,000 yen."

Kageyama's eyes widened, "10,000 yen?! You don't even have that much money on you right now."

"The seller said that was a very good price!" Hinata defended.

"Of course he did! He was trying to get an idiot like you to buy it!" Kageyama yelled at him.

"Calm down, I didn't get it, so there's no point in criticizing me for something I didn't even do," Hinata commented. This was a fair point, Kageyama realized. He frowned, but didn't say anything else on the matter.

They decided to go grab dinner at a restaurant nearby. Neither of them was in the mood for sitting in the restaurant to eat, so Kageyama suggested that they go to the beach, like they did on their first date. Hinata brought up the fact that they didn't have a blanket, so they'd probably get sand in their food if they actually ate on the beach, so it might be better to go back home. After a few minutes, they thought of a compromise. They walked out onto a pier, sitting down on the weathered wood and dangling their legs over the water while they had dinner.

Hinata kissed Kageyama on the cheek, "I had fun today."

Kageyama smiled, "Me too." He scooted closer to Hinata and leaned his head on Hinata's shoulder. Hinata leaned on Kageyama as well, and they sat like that for a while, watching the sun slip down below the horizon.

They walked to Kageyama's house, since it was the closest to the beach. The entire time, Hinata was looking up at the stars, admiring how pretty they looked and calling out constellation names. The only thing was, he didn't know any real constellations so he was making up his own.

"Look Kageyama! It's the fireflies, and over there, that's the embers. Oh, another one," he pointed to a cluster of bright stars Kageyama recognized as the constellation Cassiopeia. "I like to call that one the Kageyama constellation, because it's pretty and bright, and like you, it can add a light even when darkness surrounds it. Oh, and over there that's the sparks."

Hinata continued listing other random things that glowed, but Kageyama wasn't listening. He was staring at Hinata's face. Was he going to brush over what he just said? It was so cute and sweet, and Hinata had just announced it without a second thought. Kageyama picked Hinata up and Hinata stopped talking about stars to look questioningly at Kageyama. Kageyama stared at Hinata's adorable face, looked in his perfect eyes.

Then said softly, "You know I love you right?" Then he leaned in a gave Hinata a kiss. He could feel that Hinata was smiling as he kissed Kageyama back, which made Kageyama's heart do a little flutter. It was stupid, they'd kissed so many times before, but it never got old, and Kageyama hoped it never would.

Hinata leaned back, "You usually aren't this affectionate. I'm normally the one that says I love you first and you just say it back. I've got to say though, I like this side of you." Hinata took Kageyama's face in his hands and kissed him again. Kageyama continued carrying Hinata. He knew Hinata could walk, but Kageyama just wanted Hinata to be close to him. It was only when they got to his house that Kageyama set Hinata down so he could unlock the door. They headed straight to Kageyama's room once they got inside. Hinata changed out of his clothes and pulled on one of Kageyama's t-shirts. They brushed their teeth and then climbed into bed and snuggled up to each other. Hinata liked to spread out while he slept, so he plopped himself on top of Kageyama and stretched out his arms and legs.

Kageyama wrapped his arms around Hinata and kissed him on top of the head, "Goodnight dumbass."

Hinata moved up to give Kageyama a kiss, then back down again so he could lay his head on Kageyama's chest, "Goodnight."

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