
Start from the beginning

"Something better" he said.

As Hermione looked up she found Harry kneeling on one knee, a red velvet box in his hand holding a beautiful ring. There was a huge diamond in the middle, with two teardrop shaped emeralds on each side like angel wings.

"Are you- uhm- like doing- I mean" Hermione stuttered, nothing was sitting straight in her mind right now.

"Well Mione, you know that whenever I hear my heart beating, I know that I am alive but I know that I am living the happiest part of my life when I hear your heartbeats synchronised with mine. Everything about you is the absolute thing that justifies and glorifies my existence. So please say yes, say yes to marry me, start a life, a family and to be by my side till the day I die."

Tears gather yet unfit to fall down the cheek, making her vision fuzzy. She got out of her chair and bent down, "I love you so much that no matter how many time I say it, it's not enough. Of course, I will marry you."

He slid the ring in her hand and it was the sight of the woman he loved, wearing the ring that engaged her to him had undone him.

He stood up and as she followed to do the same, he caught hold of her hips and pulled her toward him. She clenched her hands on his shoulders to keep herself upright as he drew her legs around his waist. She stared down at him, heat coiling in her stomach as he muttered "fiancé."

He rose up to kiss her just as she leaned in; their lips crashed together with a force that sent a shock of pleasure-pain through her. His hands slid up her skin; she cupped the back of his head, fingers tangling in Harry's black curls.

They broke apart and she smiled lazily at him as she repeated "fiancé."

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William Potter-Granger was born on 9th April 2005 at 6:45 am. The boy had untameable black hair with warm brown eyes. They would light up like his mother's every time he would smile.

He grew up to be a huge book lover with immense interest in muggle and wizard literature, while enjoying the company of his loved ones, he mostly kept to himself. Kind, good-hearted and protective of his family.

Iris Potter-Granger was born on 16th December 2008 at 8:23 pm. She had green eyes with black hair. Bold with herself, she took much after her grandmother and father with the attitude and the temper.

Much like Hermione, she can be bossy. Aside from that, the girl loves her family, reserving her cheery and bubbly self only for them to see.

Lastly, the youngest of the household was Aurora Potter-Granger, her hair were as bushy as Mione's but like her elder sister, she inherited the green eyes from her father. She was born on 28th November 2011 around the first light of the day.

She is exceptionally close to her father and would often ask him stories about his childhood. Loved and pampered as the youngest of the entire family, she is gifted with almost anything she would ask for. However, with constant reminders from her mother she knew the worth of it all.

"Love, we are running out of chocolates. You know Teddy and Scorpius love chocolates. Oh imagine the disaster when Remus doesn't get chocolates every hour." Harry entered the room, ignoring the mess created by his young daughters.

Hermione laughed and replied, "aren't you supposed to be the head of Aurors. I am sure you have witnessed more disastrous things."

"Mione, I have witnessed a war and I am sure that this is just going to be the awakening of another." Harry replied, slowly going and picking up the toys on the floor.

"Merlin, I thought that you would grow up with time." Hermione replied, leaning back on her chair while watching her husband do the chores. He would volunteer most of the time, seeing that his work hours were usually lesser than hers.

"Did you really, have you seen my dad. He is over 50 and still acts like a child." Harry replied, straightening his back and flipping his hair that hadn't changed their texture in the past years.

"I was thinking of asking Lily and Remus about that. Then I thought of talking to Astoria or Lavender but it's not like Draco and Ron are any better." Hermione replied.

"I am definitely better than them, Just the other day in the office, Draco did not stop calling Ron 'won-won'. Everybody heard them, Draco was screaming while Ron was chasing him down in the ministry. Didn't you hear them in your office?"

Hermione laughed out without meaning to, which just made Harry happier. Almost nothing made him happier than hearing his wife laugh.

"I did. However, it is cruel of Dray to do so, Lavender grew out of that, it's quite pleasant to talk to her now." Hermione replied sincerely.

"Sure is. Ginny and Luna keep going over to their house. Seems like Amelia Weasley-Lovegood and Eva Weasley are going to quite a duo." Harry replied.

"Oh think of the havoc , when Will, Iris, Aurora, Scorpius, Teddy, Amelia, Eva, Roxanne, Fred jr and George jr going to be in Hogwarts at the same time."

"Oh Minny is so resigning that day, I doubt she would even send the letters. But above it all, the twins have my respect for naming their children after themselves." Harry laughed when he remembered the first time he had heard the names.

"At least Angelina was responsible for naming Roxanne. Merlin, I cannot imagine what her name would be if George had anything to do with it." she said, looking at the ceiling with a slight smile.

"At least you named our children, if up to me it would be Harry the second, Hermione the second and Hermione the third." Harry said.

Hermione got off her chair and hit her husband on the shoulder.

William was horrified upon the conversation, so were his sisters, they rushed towards their mother and hugged her according to their heights, "we aren't talking to dada" Aurora said.

Iris agreed by nodding and saying "I love you ma, but I don't know what I would have done if I was Hermione the second."

William laughed and said, "the horror if I was named after Harry Potter."

Harry let out an exaggerated sigh, "my children don't love me." He leaned against the wall and sat down on the floor.

The youngest was the first to break, she tore apart from her mother and siblings and ran toward Harry.

"No! I love you dada" she said, launching herself towards Harry and he caught her. She nuzzled into his neck and soon the other kids also jumped on their father. Hermione gazed upon the sight.

In a matter of minutes, the doorbell rang and soon the house was flooding with all those they love.

Children screaming, adults laughing. Teddy and Victoire kissing under the mistletoe. Iris talking to her red headed godparents, Ron and Ginny laughing along with her.

William was sitting in a corner, talking to Lily and Draco. Aurora was flying in her small broom as Scorpius guided her. Sirius and Remus were talking to Bill and Fleur. The twins were changing the colors of the children's hair.

Almost nothing had changed, and they didn't want it to. This was lovely and this was their life, the ones they chose for themselves and they loved it.

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