Chapter 5

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He liked....her. Keefe Sencen liked her. She couldn't believe it. It was like being told Santa Claus was real all over again. But the most important question here that she was supposed to ask herself was that did she like him. She thought about it really hard. She was confused. She was speechless. She didn't know what to do now. 

Keefe's P.O.V

"Speechless again Foster?" He nervously chuckled. He could see that she was confused. Not only see, but also  feel.

"Keefe I'm flattered you feel this way." His heart dropped and his face fell. He was being rejected and he did not want to hear the words that were about to come out of her sweet mouth.

"But" she continued and he felt a spark of hope. She continued by saying "I need some time to figure it out okay." He sighed in relief. At least she wasn't rejecting him but the wait would be almost as painful as the one he had for the past 9 years, 6 months, 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours and 45 minutes. Almost.
He nodded his head. Of course he would give her time. If he could, he would have already given her all the time and happiness in the world.

Sophie's P.O.V.

She looked back once at his expression and went back to where everyone else was sitting. Keefe followed just a few minutes after. When she came back and sat down at her place Biana raised an expecting eyebrow and she glared at her for making her do this. But then again the truth would have come out sooner or later.

"Dex, Truth or... wait did he just fall asleep while sitting and with a custarburst near his mouth."

They all turned to look at him and he was indeed sleeping his ass off with an innocent custardburst in his hand. Oh my god what a waste of a tasty custardburst. Lately she had started craving sweet stuff. Even much more than normal. They had a good laugh. A laugh they hadn't had for a very long while and decided to go to sleep.

The next morning she woke up  and groaned because she suddenly heard a bang downstairs. She sat up and looked around. Hmm. Keefe wasn't there. She quietly moved her way to his sleeping place and saw a note.

Dear Foster,
My snobby jackass of a father called me back home because he suddenly wanted to spend some quality time with me. Don't worry. I haven't run off to the Neverseen because, guess what, they're dead.
With lots of Love by the boy you like and just wont admit your feelings for

She held in a giggle at his letter while at the same time she blushed. He knew she was going to read it. She shaked her head, put the paper in her pocket, went downstairs, ate the delicious breakfast Della had left saying that she had gone to Atlantis and on the same paper wrote that she was leaving for Havenfield early.

Almost a week went by and she saw no sign of Keefe or anyone else. They rarely talked after that sleepover. Along the excruciatingly normal days she sorted out her feelings. She kept wondering and thinking and stressing. Keefe was there through every single moment. He was there when the Neverseen put her at her lowest point and he was there after Fitz's outburst and then the automatic breakup. He was there through every single thing and he never left her side. She was happy when she was with him. She felt safe and appreciated and loved. She felt those electrifying currents when he touched her or came close to her. Then the realization dawned on her.

She liked Keefe Sencen. She always had but she never realized it. That's what she was oblivious to before. Her feelings. She knew she had to talk to Keefe so she took breath and asked him to come over. He came in a flash, in exactly 2 minutes and 33 seconds. Yes she counted. He knocked on her door and she quickly opened it. Due to the suddenness of it all, her clumsy side showed and she immediately fell forward.

Keefe caught her as he always did every time. He steadied her and was letting go when she did something that she done only a few times before.

She kissed him.

What's up y'all? Finally, right. Any way what type of chapter do you want the next one to be? Write and comment. Please okay that is a big request. I have had 89 read and not a single comment. I'm heartbroken but I forgive you so please, please, please comment and share your views. Adios.

Sokeefe ForeverWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt