Chapter 17

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Keefe's P.O.V

Sophie was running up the hills. Her blonde hair flowing all around because of the wind. He smiled at the sight of her laughing and smiling and giggling. He chased her until he ran out of breath.

He looked back at her again and tried to warn her that one of the Neverseen was behind her. But it was too late. The person lowered his hood and it was Fitz. He took a knife and placed it on Sophie's neck. She cried out. "No" he shouted. He ran as fast as he could but as soon as he reached the top he saw Sophie lying on the grass in a pool of her own blood with her limbs placed at an odd angle. This isn't possible. This is just a dream. Stop. Please stop. And as he said that he woke up.

He started crying and screaming and thrashing. This was so hard. Her fiance was kidnapped and no one was doing anything. He couldnt do anything too and it made him feel useless. He felt so broken without her. The light in his darkness. The love of his life. The women of his dreams. Soon the sadness changed into anger and he made an oath then and there that he would get Sophie back no matter how long it took and no matter how much he had to suffer on the way. He imparted Mr. Forkle and asked him to come straight away.

After a few minutes he was there. "I'm assuming it's important since you called me here in the middle of the night" Mr Forkle asked. But he saw a bit of hope in his eyes, probably because he thought that Sophie had contacted him right now.

"Yes. I want you to make my other ability manifest. You know the ability that Mommy Dearest was so impatient about. I know for a fact that the ability is something new and dangerous and I know that it will help us find Sophie."

"But Mr. Sencen......"

"No. Just do it. I dont care if it hurts me I just have to find her. You dont know how bad it hurts just please I beg you."

"I do know how you feel Keefe. I know how bad it hurts. Just dont let it consume you. It did to me and it turned out really bad. Alright. If you insist, I'll do it. Now find a place to sit. Somewhere you cant collapse."

He nodded quickly and sat down on his bed. Mr Forkle put his fingers on the sides of his forehead and closed his eyes. He did too just in case. He didn't feel anything for some time. When he was about to say something, he felt it click. He felt the power rush through his veins and his body lifting of the ground. Then he suddenly blacked out.

"Keefe. Keefe. Mr. Sencen, can you hear me? Wake up." He heard someone say in the distance. How long was he down for, he wondered.

"Almost 30 minutes Mr. Sencen. Now get up. I've been worried."

"What?" He managed to choke out. Mr. Forkle handed him a bottle of youth and he drank it greedily. That felt better.

"So what's the ability? Is it something cool? Will it help us find her?"

"Okay. Now I want you to close your eyes and feel the presence of your power and I want you to see for yourself."

How could he see for himself. That was ann odd statement. He looked at his hands, his body, his face there was absolutely no change at all. But then he felt it. Felt the presence of his power. He closed his eyes and concentrated hard. Oh my god.

"So...." he asked as he saw Keefe widening his eyes.

"I'm a Tracker."

"So what's surprising about it?"

"No. Im not just a tracker. I have almost every single ability. Telepath, Vanisher, Mesmer, Teleporter, Tracker and some of them I dont even know yet."

"Oh." That was all Mr. Forkle could say and it dawned on them both at the same time.

We have an advantage over them and it  had just changed the direction of the war that was soon coming.

What's up everyone? How is it going? I bet you're all waiting for something  juicy right now, aren't you? Any guesses? Come on you may have a few. Tell them to me. Dont be shy. Maybe you're right or maybe I'll use some suggestions. Tell me soon guys. Bye!

Sokeefe ForeverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora