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ashtons pov:
im starting to think that giving up would be the best option here.
I mean, c'mon; she's... I can't even put words to how beautiful she is. her blonde hair cascading over her tidy shoulders, and her piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through me are just on the outside; the wrapping of the present. every time I try to unwrap what's underneath her looks; maybe to see a glimpse of what lies underneath..
I fail.
I've tried every possible tactic:
1) flirting
here is an example of what most certainly did not happen when I tried to flirt:
me: hey riley, you look hot today.
riley: I don't think my looks should succumb to a temperature.
then she stormed away, off to fifth period maths.
don't ask how I know that.
2) humor
I've tried every single way to make her laugh but nothing works. she has this empty look in her eyes and I can't help but want to dive in and swim among her thoughts to see why she always looks like she put up a closed sign on the door of herself.
3) teasing
this is something I heard works in the movies, so I thought I'd have nothing to lose.
turns out detention is the only way I'll be able to spend time with her outside of English class.

I just wish more than anything I could help her. just for a second I could hear those words that are echoing through her ribcage and stopping her from opening up to me. there's just something about her that makes me want to pick her frail body up and kiss all the wounds that are scattered on her heart.

My thoughts seem to literally cloud my vision as I run straight into Luke.
it just had to be him, didn't it?
My books and papers topple to the floor, along with my dignity.
well, actually I lost that a while ago.
"Ever learned to walk?" he asks, lip piercing glittering.
then everything turned black
welcome to a day in my life.

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