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wow hey haven't updated this in a while but I'm back with some great ideas!! message me, comment, vote or whatever!! 💓

remember I'm here if yall need anyone to rant to xx


my senses start to awaken, and I can feel this scratchy cot and smell cough drops and ginger ale.

"hey helen. how long was I out for this time?"

"hmm.. about thirty or so minutes. hear me now son, you hafta learn to fight fo' yourself! I can't have you bein' hauled to mah cot every time you's is picked on!"

"thank you for your concern, but I am perfectly fine with my condition at the moment. what's the damage?"

"see fo' yourself," she grunts as she passes to me a handheld mirror.

my eye is crusted over with a nasty purple bruise. not too bad. could've been worse actually; luke let me off pretty easily this time.

"well, see ya helen. thanks for everything," I trot through the compact nurses office, and into hell. wait did I say hell? oh sorry, I meant high school.

band class. halleighlujah. something that doesn't involve possible black eyes.

technically, I wasn't in band. I played the drums alongside the band. my dad taught me when i was really young and i kept it up. the band sucks but it's fun anyway, and my friend josh plays keyboard.

"yo ash check this out!" he half whispered across the broad room from his section.

I watched as he placed a sopping wet tissue (from where, I don't want to know) in a tubas exterior. he held up a three, then a two, then a one. he blew with all his might and the tissue went sailing across the room.

then it landed on mr. hines head.

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