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Clay POV

I started training with the others and I was really having fun. They were very nice to me and they accepted me one hundred procent. I looked around me the whole time, I wanted to see George. I saw him today, but I just missed him so much. It took him ten minutes to come and I stopped training.

'Can I go and see my boyfriend for a little?' I asked shyly at my trainer.

He smiled and nodded. 'Go for it.'

I ran towards George and looked at him. I climbed over the railing and hugged him.

'Kiss?' George softly asked.

I gave him a short kiss on his lips and looked at his sheep.

'How is your sheep feeling?'

'He is okay,' George smiled.

I kissed his cheek a few times and held his hand. 'I have to go back.'

'He can sit here!' my trainer yelled.

I looked around me and saw everyone looking. I was a little awkward, they all saw us kiss and hug. They seemed totally okay with it and I lifted George up.

'Come, sweetie.'

I pulled him over the railing, he held his sheep very tight when he saw all new people. I made George sit down on a bench and he looked at me.

'You're cute like this,' he whispered.

'Aww,' one of my new teammates yelled.

I blushed and kissed George's cheek. 'I love you,' I whispered in his ear.

'I love you too.' He hugged his sheep tightly and one of my teammates walked closer to George.

'Hey, George.'

George looked at me in panic and I grabbed his hand.

'What do you like to do, George?'

'Ice skating and drawing.'

'Does your sheep have a name?'


'He is cute!'

'Clay is cute.'

'What do you like about Clay?'

'He is beautiful and I like being his boyfriend.'

'What do you like about it?'

'He kissed me and he hugs me a lot.'

Aww, that sounds great. Did you miss him?'

George nodded. 'He is very sweet, he accepts me even though I'm autistic. I can even keep my sheep.'

I blushed and hugged him. 'I have to go back and train now, sweetie.'

He smiled and nodded. 'Okay.'

I kissed his cheek and walked back to the field. The boy who was just taking with George walked next to me.

'My brother has autism, he has a mild form but he communicates poorly too. I know how to make them talk.'

I smiled. 'Thanks.'

'Is it difficult for you sometimes?'

I shrugged. 'Not too difficult, sometimes it's hard to see him sad very quickly. He cries a lot and I sometimes don't know why.'

'I understand that's hard.'

'But I love him so much, so I don't mind he needs a little more care. I will give him everything he needs.'

'He is looking at you.'

I turned around and I saw George smiled, he was still hugging his sheep and I blushed. He was adorable again.

'Do you like boys more than girls?'

I nodded. 'Definitely George. It's sometimes very difficult, liking guys as a footballer. Most footballers are really homophobic.'

'Our club is really accepting. Our trainer taught us that. I mean, I have nothing to do with you kissing or liking a boy.'

'Well, I understand it can be awkward to change with a gay guy in the room, but I have a boyfriend. I won't stare at you, I only like George.'

'I know, dude. Don't worry, it's totally fine.'

We started training again and afterwards I ran towards George. He was sitting on the bench in the exact same spot, hugging his sheep.

He stood up, I grabbed his sheep and looked at him. 'Do you want to kiss shortly?'

He nodded and I started kissing him for a few seconds. 'I'm going to change, sweetie. I'll be right back.'

George nodded and I gave his sheep back. I walked away and quickly changed in the changing room. I didn't want to shower, I felt a little too awkward doing that. I ran back to George and kissed his cheeks and forehead.

'Cutie,' I whispered. I climbed over the railing and hugged him. 'Dang, I love you so much.'

'I love you too. Do you love sheep too?'

'Of course. I love sheep too.'

I couldn't resist a smile and kissed his cheek again. He suddenly looked sad and I hugged him. 'What's wrong, sweetie?'

745 words

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