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-Small mentions homophobia (?)

George POV

I didn't lock eyes once, but as soon as he looked away, I looked in his eyes. They looked beautiful. His face was perfect.

'Are you alright?'

I startled from his sudden voice.

'Yeah, what?'

'You were staring.'

'Oh sorry, I zone out easily.'

'It's fine. I recognise that, I do that too. I actually have ADHD,' Clay said.

'I have autism and OCD.'

'Oh that makes sense, thanks for telling me.'

'Do you dislike me now?'

'No? Why?'

'People leave me when they know. I can't communicate normally.'

'You're communicating with me pretty normally.'

'You're an exception.'


'I don't know, I just feel more comfortable. Is it obvious I have autism?'

'No, I just suspected something like that because you never look at me and you get very passionated about a few subjects.'

'Is that bad?'

'Absolutely not, I like it. I'm always busy, I have to do something or I get crazy.'

'I'm very hyper in my head, but because of my autism I can't really get it out.'

'I understand that.'

'Do you do football often?'

He nodded. 'Three times a week.'


'Definitely. Do you want something else to eat, George?'

I shrugged. 'I don't have money with me.'

'I'll pay it for you.'

'No, I can't accept.'

'The most expensive thing is 1 pound. I can pay that.'

'Another croissant then?'


Clay gave me another croissant and I ate it, washing my hands twice after. I talked with Clay for a while and then he left to the back of the store to finish his work for today. I loved talking to him. He was so sweet and understanding. I would maybe come and watch his football matches once. He must be new at his football club, since it was his first day in school today. I liked talking to him, he was so calm. I wished it was already Saturday so we could hang out together.

I noticed I missed this kind of social contact, I always was so uncomfortable so I didn't talk with anyone, but Clay made me feel relaxed enough to talk to him. When I really knew someone I was a cuddly person, I hated people touching me, but I still wanted to cuddle Clay. I only hugged my parents, but no one else, I felt awkward doing that.

Clay came back and walked towards me placing his hand shortly on my shoulder. 'Will you be at school?'


'Can you help me around a little?'

'I can come with you?'

'If you want to.'

I nodded. 'I will help you.'


I walked closer to him and opened my arms. He looked a little confused, but smiled. 'You want a hug?'

I nodded and he hugged me tightly, stroking his hand through my hair. I was way smaller than him, so my head ended where his shoulders ended. I rested my head on his chest, hugging him tightly.

'You're sweet,' I said.

I felt him smile and he massaged my neck shortly. 'You're sweeter. Come do you want to walk with me?'

I nodded and let go of him, grabbing his hand. We walked outside, I held his hand tightly. I liked Clay too. He was very sweet.

Clay POV

George and I walked hand in hand to school. I found him very cute. I noticed he was very uncomfortable but as soon as he talked about iceskating he got passionated. He was like the same age as me, but he explained he was just a few years younger in his head than he really was. I thought it was cute, definitely how he wanted to hug me and hold my hand. I barely knew him, but I liked how he spoke and how he got passionated. I could talk for hours about football too.

Iceskating seemed fun to me, I would enjoy to skate with him once. I would buy me some skates and make him happy. Even though I found him cute, I was never going to tell anyone that. If my teammates found out I thought a guy was cute. Dude, they would beat me up by the thought only. I wasn't bi or gay, I just found him cute. The way he hugged me, my heart melted. He had a smile on his face the whole time and his cheeks were a little pink. It was adorable.

'Clayyy,' he yelled.

I startled and grinned when I looked at him. 'What?'

'We are at school.'

750 words

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