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-I guess none

Did he see me cuddling with him? I wasn't ashamed, but if they would literally kick me out of their team. No way they would ever let me change there again. I wasn't gay or bi, I kept telling myself that. I knew I wasn't, George was just so adorable. The childish things he had, it was truly adorable.

George was drawing a little and I saw him drawing my name.

'Don't look yet,' he whispered.

I smiled and looked away. He continued drawing and I focused on the class. The class ended soon. George had been drawing the whole time and at the end of the class he gave me a paper.

'Look, I draw that for you.'

I opened the paper and looked at the drawing. It was my name with some shadow and in 3D. It was a really amazing drawing.

'You didn't tell me you were such a good drawer?'

He blushed a little which made me blush too.

'For you.'

'It's amazing, thanks Georgie.'

We both stood in front of each other, smiling like two idiots.

'Do you like it?'

'Definitely, it's beautiful. You made that really quickly.'

He smiled shyly and looked at his feet. And again, it was an adorable sight. Him staring at his feet with a red blush on his face, it was so cute. I felt my stomach fill with butterflies.

'Clay?' George asked with a soft voice.

I nodded and smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and looked at me for a split second.

'Can I show you my place today?'

'Of course, I'm free.'

'I want to show you my room.'

'I bet it's beautiful,' I grinned.

He nodded heavily and smiled brightly. 'Thanks.'

George POV

Clay and I walked to the next class and we sat down. After this morning I was a little scared for the bullying happening again, but this class was usually very nice. We sat down next to each other and I opened my books. Clay didn't have a book so I gave him mine.

'Hey, we can share the book,' he whispered.


It's often either this or that for people with autism. It's either bad or good, but nothing in between. I had a lot of trouble with that.

He laid the book down in the middle of our tables and I looked in the book.

'What page?' Clay asked.

I started looking up the right page and opened it. 'This.'

Clay smiled and we both concentrated on the class, but I couldn't. Clay was so beautiful and I kept secretly looking at him. I decided to draw him and started my drawing.

'George?' the teacher suddenly asked.

I looked up and got very nervous. I nodded.

'Do you know the answer?'

'America,' Clay whispered.


'Good job, George. Do you know the second question too?'


'Have you read the question, George?'


Why didn't he leave me alone? Normally no one ever asked me something.

'Can you read it?'

I started scratching my skin. Why didn't he leave me alone? He knew I hated talking.


I decided to ignore him and I started drawing again.

'George, the answer is Asia,' Clay whispered.


'Good job.'

He finally left me alone again and I finished my drawing.

'Clay?' I whispered.

He looked at me. 'What's up?'

I gave him my drawing and he smiled. 'That's beautiful.'

'Just like you.'

'Aww.' He shortly grabbed my hand and I smiled.

The class continued calmer and before we knew school was over. I was excited to show Clay my room and my house. We both walked to my house and I grabbed his hand again. I got comfortable whilst holding his hand.

Clay POV

We stopped walking when we arrived at George's home and he opened the door. He ran in, hugged his mum shortly and grabbed a stuffed animal.

'Can you introduce me, George?' his mum smiled and she looked at me.

'Clay,' he said.

I grinned and shook his mums hand. 'I'm Clay.'

'Hi, nice to meet you! George, can you tell me how you met?'

I noticed his mum trying to make him talk, but he talked way less than he did to me.

'Bakery.' He was cuddling with his stuffed animal. The only thing I could think of was how cute he was. He was absolutely adorable.

730 words

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