Chapter 4

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The next morning you woke up to Zola shaking you and calling your name.

-What's happening, sweetie? -

-Mommy doesn't feel well. She is throwing up in the bathroom-

-Don't worry, Zola. Is nothing serious. Now I will go to make sure she is alright while you wake the boys, so we can have breakfast, okay? -.

She nods and you meet Meredith in the hallway. She really isn't fine.

-Morning sickness- she explains.-Did I wake you? -

-Zola. She said you were throwing up. Meredith I think it's time you tell the children you're pregnant. You will start to show anytime now and Zola is a smart kid: she will realize something changed soon enough-

-I know. You're right. I don't want to have this conversation. She will ask questions and... -

-I know and I know you can do it. It will be alright Meredith-

-Yeah, I'll tell them today, after breakfast-

-Good. Do you want to be alone, the three of you? - you ask caution but she laughs, a genuine laugh. - God, no. Firstly this is your house, who am I to kick you out of your own house? Secondly, Baylei will tell Henry he is going to be a big brother the first chance he has and thirdly I need you. I need you to help me explain them their father died but he left us whit a child to remember him by-

-Okay, then. Now, I think is time to go because I asked Zola to wake the boys so we can have breakfast-

-Let's go, then. Is dangerous to let three ravenous children waiting-.

You are glad to see her smile, especially after last night. But maybe she is so happy because of last night, because she shared some of her baggage whit someone else, because she feels more free.

(Maybe you should do it, too. Talking about your dark and twisty toughts. Not whit her who has enough problems. Maybe whit Alex, who listens to your rambling and your concerns. Yeah, you will try).

You don't know how to do it and it seems neither do Meredith. You are on the couch the kids in front of you, studying you.

-Mommy what is it? -

-Are you sick? Before you were sick-.

-No, sweetie, I'm not sick. Is... Is a good thing-

-Why? -

-Because it means that in some months (five if she will carry ful term. She was three month along when she came to you and before she has been in Boston. Like her mother) you will have a little brother or a little sister-.

You see the confusion on the girl's face. This is the moment Meredith has been dreading.

-Daddy died- she says simply and Meredith hands are shaking so you grasp them and she moves closer to you.

-Yes, Zola. He is dead. But before dying he left us whit your baby brother or baby sister-

-And where is it? The baby where is it? -.

You breath relieved because this you can do, whit this you can help.

-In your mommy's tummy and it will stay there for some more months then, when he or she is ready, he will come out-.

Bailey looks at you in wonder and for a moment you fear you did something wrong then he looks at Henry and exclaims - I will be a big brother-

-Yes,Bailey. Now, why dont you all go to play while I speak whit your mom of some boring grown up things? -.

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