9: Building a Snowman

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Snow was falling and Kokichi was already out the door all bundled up for the cold weather. It was chilly and snowing pretty hard, but not as hard as it was when they had gotten snowed in for a few days. Regardless Shuichi was worried about Kokichi being out in the cold for hours on end because of how he tends to get sick with a cold fairly often. This isn't because he just happens to get sick--it's more because of how his body functions differently than most others so it tends to get sick under weird conditions...sometimes anyway.

Shuichi looked out their front window and saw Kokichi in their yard with Misha who was a kid that lived in the house next to them. Misha would come over to their house so they could babysit while her parents were away. They were able to bond over these times so in the winter Misha and Kokichi would both go out to make snowmen as well as some snow women. It was nice for Shuichi to watch them do this together but the worry he had in the back of his mind didn't make it any easier for him to not want to pull Kokichi back with him into the warmth of inside...but he decided that he needed some time to hangout with Misha.

Kokichi looked back at the house before he ran over to the window. Shuichi was confused by this as Kokichi moved to knock on the window. His face was red and his ears and nose looked pretty frostbitten from what Shuichi was able to see. Kokichi then blew on the window, fogging it up before he wrote. Shuichi was confused even more by this...but then he remembered. He is dating Kokichi--so this shouldn't be anything new.

'Come and make a snowman with us!' He wrote on the glass. Shuichi shook his head and moved his hand to point to the book he was reading in his hand. Kokichi became a little irritated with this and glared at Shuichi and looked over to Misha who was also standing there beside him.

Shuichi just shook his head and was about to move back to his reading chair before Kokichi gave him pouty eyes. He then rolled his eyes at this knowing what he was trying to do. He was about to tell Kokichi to give it up before Misha spoke up. "Mr, Saihara! Please come out!" Misha said from behind him and Shuichi was able to hear the slightly muffled sound on the other side of the glass.

She had a similar look on her face...and knowing Shuichi is more lenient when Kokichi uses his pouty face, Misha doing the same thing made him finally break. "Okay, okay..." He paused before placing the book on the side table. "I'm coming," He said moving away from the window to put his gear on. He needed his hat, coat, gloves, and boots so he would be warm out in the snow. And if they are going out to build a snowman...it's best to have the materials to decorate it.

He grabbed a few more items before he moved out the door only to be trampled by Kokichi. He had taken one step off the porch before he felt arms around him. Then the next moment he felt his whole body fall to the ground covered in snow under him. "Koki?" He asked seemingly calm for someone who was just knocked over.

"Yes my beloved?" He asked, poking his cheek. Shuichi sighed and slowly got up. "Ready to build this snowman?" He asked, looking both at him and Misha. Misha nodded her head quickly and it made the puff-balls on the top of her hat bob back and forth. Her hat had two puff-balls on either side of it and it was a white cream color that matched the rest of her snow outfit. Her parents happen to know a lot about fashion because her mother is a model while her father is a fashion designer himself.

"Here is the bottom part!" Kokichi said getting some snow into his hands to make a snowball. Shuichi gave him a skeptical glance before Kokichi placed it on the floor. Misha then moved over to his side and helped him roll it again and again in the snow. Shuichi came to help them after they had been able to get the body started. He stood next to Kokichi as Misha was on his other side.

"You guys ready?" Kokichi asked before they moved the ball back into their front lawn. There was still a lot of snow to work with so they had plenty to make a fairly large snowman. "Yup!" Misha said helping them roll it the last couple of times before they had finished it. It was large and went all the way up to Kokichi's torso. Shuichi was impressed with this...but it made him nervous knowing they would have to get two to three more parts on it.

Kokichi had already moved onto starting the next one with Shuichi by his side, while Misha was working on the head on her own. Misha was on the left side of the lawn moving the snowball in rows to collect the snow. Shuichi and Kokichi were on the right side and they were working on the torso of the body as they moved in rows as well.

The snow was falling and some of it got in their eyelashes and into their hair that wasn't covered in a hat or hood. Shuichi looked over at Kokichi with a loving glance as he helped to put the torso on the snow man. "We did it!" Kokichi stated before Misha walked over to him.

"Not yet!" She said holding up the head for him. "You are right! This snowman needs a head as well as a scarf and some eyes and a mouth!" He said with a laugh as he moved behind her and held onto her sides.

"Ready?" He asked before she nodded in response. "Okay! Up up, and away!" He said before picking her up so she could put the head on the snow man. Then Misha and Kokichi moved to put the scarf around his neck as well as giving him button eyes and some small rocks as the mouth as well as a carrot for the nose. When they finished they all took a step back from it.

"It looks amazing!" Misha said before the other two agreed and they smiled and laughed together as they admired their work in the front lawn.

They say two is better than one

And my my wasn't that fun

Working better together

Better as two

Other than One

Wondering if this is done

If we are together

As two is better than one

-Here is todays update! Sorry for it being later than usual--today was pretty demanding around the time I planned to get this done--but here it is now! Thank you all so much for reading!!-


Have a Merry Christmas Shumai!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu